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| : | : : This is me at MC'in at temptation under-18s loada shit really : : | : |

|:|:|:: 'BOUT ME ::|:|:|

|:|:: WHO AM I ::|:|

Hey my name is brett I am 17 live in carlisle my interests are web design mc'in fighting drinkin drugz anything that aint good 4 me really and any thing that gets me wrecked

|:|:: WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE ::|:|

as you can see from my picture above im an ugly bastard but you cant see that im 6 foot tall and a skinny little wreck

Well ther you have it not a lot really but im tooo wrect theese days to cum up with n e thing beta p.s this page is still under cinstruction some links wont work until page is finished!! i got my ganja hav a toke its stirl mc goin up in smoke goin up in smoke my body is on fire im on the mic goin ta take you hire take you fukin hire take you to the limit im in the fukin place n im bout to spit the lyric
|:|:|:: PICS 'N' THAT ::|:|:|

|:|:|:: MY BABY ::|:|:|

|:|:|:: MUSIC 'N' THAT ::|:|:|

|:|:|:: CHAT ::|:|:|

|:|:|:: FUNNY STUFF ::|:|:|

|:|:|:: GAMES 'N' THAT ::|:|:|

|:|:| ::GUEST BOOK:: |:|:|

|:|:| ::SIGN:: |:|:|:|:|:| ::VIEW:: |:|:|


|:|:| ::MC-STIRL:: |:|:|

|:|:| ::page built and designed by ard man:: |:|:|


Above Media Player Coding by Moo00o` @

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Page last updated 24/04/05 By the Ard man