ÿþ<html> <head> <title>X-Men Arcade Game Cannon Accessory</title> <meta content="Mark Patraw" name=Author> <meta content="Images of, and information about, a cannon accessory, based on a weapon used by enemy characters in the Konami 1992 X-Men arcade video game, made by Mark Patraw." name=Description> <meta content="gun,cannon,rifle,x-men,arcade,konami,marvel comics,accessory,weapon,fan art,figure,miniature,sculpture,model,toy,Mark Patraw." name="Keywords"> </head> <body text=white link=gold background="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/XMEN_bg_zps75256fdd.png~original" bgproperties=fixed> <br> <br> <table width=85% align=center cellpadding=10 border=10 bgcolor=096dff bordercolor=purple> <tr> <td> <center> <br> <br> <img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/XMEN_logo_zpsb449eaf2.gif~original"> <br> <br> <font size="7" color=gold><b><i>Cannon Accessory</i></b></font> <br> <br> <EMBED src="XMEN_2_shaft.mid" width="144" height="60" autostart="true" loop="true" hidden="true"></center> A fellow forum member at <a href="http://www.figurerealm.com">Figure Realm</a> started a thread asking for suggestions as to how they might go about reproducing the guns of these two enemies (which resemble S.H.I.E.L.D. Mandroids), from the Konami 1992 <i>X-Men</i> arcade video game, in a six-inch scale. <br> <br> <p align=center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/XMEN_mandroid_sprites_zps1bb96318.gif~original"></p> <br> In addition to using existing toy guns, I proposed that those cannon designs could be recreated by modifying basic cylinders. As I have altogether too much time on my hands, I took things one step further and went ahead and made the red and purple character's gun as an example of that technique (the green and orange one's weapon is too simplistic for my tastes). <br> <br> I increased the size of the game sprite until the character was roughly 6" tall on my computer screen and then took all of my measurements for the weapon directly from that enlarged reference image. <br> <br> <p align=center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/XMEN_cannon_fab_zps08e0eedf.jpg~original" border=3."></p> I suppose I should have painted the gun a darker blue, or alternatively, given it a black paint wash, but I kind of like the bright, cartoon-ish colors as I feel that look is representative of video games from that time period, as well as the comic book source material. <p align=center><img src="http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/kramwartap/kramwartap003/XMEN_cannon_zps3a92c68d.jpg~original" border=3."> <br> Please note that I didn't make any of the figures shown modeling the gun; those are all items from my toy collection.</p> <br> <hr width=650 size=3 color=gold> <br> <br> <p align=center><b><font size=+1 color=gold>Materials:</font></b> <br> Newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, and acrylic paint.</p></p> <p align=center><b><font size=+1 color=gold>Dimensions:</b></font> <br> 4.6 cm (11.7") x 1.3 cm (3.3") <i> [widest point x highest point]</i></p> <p align=center><b><font size=+1 color=gold>Time:</font></b> <br> Two days: May 14-15, 2014.</p> <br> <hr width=650 size=3 color=gold> <br> <br> <p align=center><a href="konami_artwork.html"><font size="5">&laquo; Return to my Konami Video Game Fan Art Gallery Index Page</a></font> <br> <br> <br> <font size="2"><i>This is a nonprofit web site. <br> <br> Any and all copyrighted imagery, terminology, etc., depicted on this page belongs to its respective holders/owners, namely Marvel Comics and Konami. <br> <br> The repeating background graphic is from the introductory sequence of the X-Men arcade game. <br> <br> The midi music playing is the Asteroid M "elevator shaft" theme from X-men 2: Clone Wars on the Sega Genesis.</i> <br> <br> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </body> <br> <br> </html>
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