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Poison Ivy
(Plant 43)

A hulking tangle of vines, roughly man-like in form, slowly shambles towards you. The animate plant's bright green and red coloration stand out in stark contrast to the dull concrete and metal architecture of the experimental research complex that you've infiltrated. As the creature draws near, it begins to lash out at you with its' long tendril "arms", but you evade these stiff blows with relative ease. Suddenly, the thing's large, bulbous "head" splits apart and unfolds into three violet flower petals. From the center of this ghastly bloom, a caustic cloud of digestive enzymes jets directly into your face . . .

It's important for a growing plant to get 360 degrees of sunlight!

Poison Ivies are sentient flora that were first encountered in the "B" scenario of Capcom's 1998 Resident Evil 2 Playstation video game (said title was also later ported to other gaming platforms, and Ivy creatures have appeared in several of the successive Resident Evil installments). Umbrella Corporation researchers created this menacing vegetation by improving on the design of the Plant 42 experiment that went awry at the Spencer Mansion in the Arklay Mountains near Raccoon City. This smaller, mobile breed was designated Plant 43, but they are more commonly known by the moniker "Ivy". Poison Ivies, in turn, are a further mutation of the base Plant 43 stock, created through exposure to the anti-B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) gas P-Epsilon. While said experimental compound was found to be quite effective at incapacitating most animal-derived B.O.W.s, it had the unintended side effect of augmenting the effectiveness of these botanical abominations.

Poison Ivies, in addition to more vivid pigmentation and improved stamina/strength, are, as the name indicates, extremely toxic. Like a standard Ivy, these monsters attack prey by lashing out with their whip-like vine arms, biting with their flower petal mandibles, or vomiting forth a spray of acidic digestive juices, but, unlike their mundane counterparts, any direct skin contact with a Poison Ivy's venomous fluids guarantees an acute case of poisoning that will result in the steady weakening, and eventual death, of the victim if an antidote (typically blue herbs) is not ingested within a short amount of time. Fortunately for anyone that has to deal with them, these foes are quite slow in their movements and vulnerable to flames, just like a regular Ivy.

Newsprint, tissue paper, white glue, acrylic paint, wire twist ties, plastic (transparent base only), and super glue.

3.5 cm/1.4 in. x 3.7 cm/1.5 in. (widest point x highest point)

Two days: March 17 and 18, 2011.

Poison Ivy photo collage.

For comparison/informational purposes, below are some relevant images:

Poison Ivy official artwork.

Normal Ivy official artwork.


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Any and all copyrighted imagery, terminology, etc., depicted here belongs to its respective holders/owners, namely Capcom.
The background and foreground textures are fill patterns from the GIMP art program that I edited.