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175th Anniversary Mass for SVdP on April 20,2008 at St.Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Arlington. Breakfast to follow mass.
Have a blessed day.
When: Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006
Where:Fort Worth Catholic Center,800 W. Loop 820 S
Time: 9:00 - 12 Noon
Cost: $5.00 for lunch & supplies
Directions: Click here
Fr. Joe Pemberton will present a reflection on the Gospel of Mark. Please bring your own bible. Mass will be celebrated at 12 noon right after the retreat. Barbeque lunch will be served after the Mass. Please call Tony Blanco, 817-249-2884, for reservations no later than Tuesday Sept 26 All members & non- members are welcome."
FEAST DAY OF BLESSED FREDERICK OZANAM:Sept. 09, 2006 Please plan to attend mass to honor our founder and leader.Learn More about Blessed Frederick - click here
FEAST DAY OF SAINT VINCENT de PAUL: Sept. 27, 2006 Please plan to attend mass to honor our patron Saint Vincent de Paul.Short note about Saint Vincent de Paul - click here
OZANAM SCHOOL: be annouced later.
New members are required to attend this seminar to help become an effective Vincentian. Know the principles, rules, and policy of the organization. Learn more about our Founder, Blessed Frederick Ozanam and our Patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Details about home visits and resources are discussed. The orientation available in English and Spanish.
SECOND ANNUAL DIOCESAN WIDE SVDP RETREAT: Last OCTOBER 1, 2005 we held our 2nd annual retreat at the Fort Worth Catholic Center. Father Joseph Pemberton, our SVDP Diocesan Council Spiritual Advisor, guided us to an invigorating spiritual journey as we read and reflected upon the Gospel of Matthew. Mass was celebrated after the retreat followed by lunch consisting of Brisket, Sausages and Barbecue complete with all the side dishes. PHOTO GALLERY
FIRST ANNUAL DIOCESAN SVDP RETREAT: Held at the Catholic Center last OCTOBER 9, 2004,
The retreat was a big success with more than 50 Vincentians attending the retreat. Father Pemberton gave us a good reflections on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Mass was celebrate at noon and Lunch served after the mass.
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USA National Council ][International Society of St.Vincent de Paul
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Eyedentity Program][
Cath.Diocese of Fort Worth