Welcome to the Fort Worth District Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers assistance to those who have fallen upon times of hardship and personal crisis. We assist through home visits with two people to individuals and families and through direct assistance at food pantries and merchandise stores to individuals and families who lack basic necessities such as food, utility and rent payments.

We have two new programs that will help families in need.

Crisis Loan Program (CLP) offers zero interest loans to individuals facing a situational crisis and have very limited community resources available to help and are not eligible for government and agency assistance programs. This short-term assistance program can help avoid sliding into a deeper crisis and/or becoming homeless.

Mini-Loan Conversion Program (MLCP) is for individuals who have high interest payday loans. It provides collateral in shared and secured accounts, so that regional banks and credit unions can provide loans at 3.15% interest for prospective borrowers.

Both of these programs offer a short and long-term approach towards climbing out of the debt cycle.
• Immediately relieve the stress on individuals and/or families.
• Encourage savings and the growth of a safety net for emergencies.
• Instill financial coaching for those who desire coaching on the use and budgeting of money.

If you would like to contribute to either of these programs or if you feel either of these programs could help you, please see more information by selecting CLP or MLCP under Fundraising/Donations in the menu at the top of this page.

The role of the Vincentian is not only to provide financial assistance but to be loving, supportive, and compassionate. It is through loving those in need that we meet Christ. The home visit, immediate access to food pantries and merchandise stores, and the capability for providing very timely assistance (often assistance is provided 'on the spot') is what separates the Society from other social agencies.