How to Join.
Available Furniture/Appliances
Contact Us
How you can HELP
Each year the St Vincent de Paul Society supports thousands of people in need. It does so through the generosity of people who contribute in a variety of ways.
Financial Assistance
The St Vincent de Paul Society's major lifeline has been your generous financial assistance over the years. This support assists the many activities undertaken by the Society as outlined on other pages of the website. You can make a donation to the St Vincent de Paul Society by dropping your donation in the "Poor Box" or mailing it to: SVDP - FW Diocesan Council, 8504 Redwing Lane, Fort Worth, TX 76123
Material Assistance
Food, clothing, furniture, dryers, washing machines refrigerators, televisions and sound systems have been generously donated for many years. For household appliances or furniture only, send us an email providing a brief DESCRIPTION of the appliance, your NAME, ADDRESS and PHONE number. The appliance or furniture (not your personal data) will be listed in our web page until we find a family that needs this item. As soon as we find a recipient for the furniture , a SVDP member will contact you and schedule a pick-up. Click here to donate..
Yes, I want to help !! If we can't find a recipient within three(3) weeks , we will try to pick up the furniture or will call you back to decline the offer.
Rest assured that your name and phone number will be held in strict confidence.
Automobile Donation Program: If you have a car, boat, motorcycle, or RV you no longer need, consider donating it to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Just phone 1-888-387-7837 and we will handle moving the vehicle, title transfer and your tax deductible receipt.
Make a Bequest
You can support the needy by making a bequest to the Society in your will. Over the years we have been able to help so many people because of the generosity of those who have supported us through a bequest.
All donations are tax deductible.