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I'll always remember you my friend

Comes the Dawn

After a while you learn the subtle difference
between holding a hand and chaining a soul.
And that love doesn’t mean
just having someone around to lean on...
that kisses aren’t promises...
that presents aren’t security...
and that “Loving Words” aren’t contracts.

After a while you also learn
that constant togetherness,
like too much sunshine,
can burn if you get too much.
And never ever can the company of
strangers banish feelings of loneliness.

And because sometimes life with
tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plan...
and futures have a way of changing
and falling down with others in mid flight...
learn to accept how it is when
one chooses to move along.
Hold your head up and your eyes open
with the grace of a human being
and not blame with anger
like the grief of a wanting child.

Then comes the dawn....

...So plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul
instead of wanting someone
to bring you flowers.
Learn to build all your roads
in the newness of today’s dawn.

Learn that you really can endure,
that you really are strong,
you really do have worth,
and learn that
with every meeting
of people in your life
that they were moments
of a journey of Loving Friends.

When you believe and
hold kind truths in you heart,
you will know that only
“Fickle Loving” is seen masquerading
as a genuine love for another person.
The goodbye of a true friend or lover
is never ever forever.

Loving people
continue knowing each other
in a different way in friendship
for the rest of their lives.
It is never a lost love.
So come back home and
Talk with me again my friend.
I miss our friendship.
... Rue-eve
