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            Fairy Jaber 6/3/03
































































Hello and welcome to our new web pages. More stuff will be added as time allows us to send our daughter information we will be putting on our sites. Have to say "Thank You" to my daughter who put this site together for us. We are old, way back  CBer's and our handle is "Robins Nest 1 & 2". We don't do as much chatting on the radio as use to now that our daughter has us hooked on computer and the internet, and I do have to say I think the wife is more hooked than I but both are enjoying being online.

We don't have a whole lot right now to offer but do keep coming back to check in and maybe you will be glad you did. And if you have time check out our daughters page (can click on the animated sea shell below she made, will take you to her page). Now don't forget to stop in and sign our guestbook either, that way we will know you have been thru and seen our web site and maybe we can come and visit yours.

Thank You for stopping in and have a wonderful day!


