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Well I wanna take the time to welcome you to my site. This is my 3rd page in 6 years so I am a little rusty. I have a few things on here that are interesting including a few links on the bored page! I am gonna update the pictures page with photos as much as possible. I also want to add a new page that can accept changed addresses and phone numbers so we can all keep up with the changing times. Things do take time as you all know, and I have a little of it between hangin out with all of you. Well I hope you explore and have fun! Email me with any questions on the Contact Page!

I have to give a shout out to all my homies because without them there would be no me, and life without me isn't all that fun right? I am not going to list names because I got this site free and I don't have enough webspace for all that! You know who you are dawgz, and if you have to think about it then this paragraph isn't for you alright! Well, now that we done gone off and said what we had to say let's get to browsing!

Some of the links at the bottom of this page are still under construction because I'm lazy. I will try as hard as I can to finish them. I mean look at the counter on this page. It isn't like I am serving a massive amount of people. This is a site for friends to check out and say "LOOK, this is my homie Rawb'z Web Page!" Again, if you have anything that you would like to see on here such as certain pictures or a new idea email me. Hell, email me because you want to say WAASSSSSSUUUUPPP! Have fun...

-BiG RawB


Hola como estas ustedes? So things havent changed around here very much lately. I've added a few pics here and there. I got a new cell# (936) 520-9292. Folks need to send me some pics through email so I can post them on here bc I don't really take many pictures anymore. Things have been fun recently and Jennifer has really brightened my smile. Everyone be safe like the good little people we know we can be. I have to be at work in an hour so hope you enjoy the updates. Oh yeah and like Jerry Springer would say, "Take care of yourself and each other...till next time..." -=RawB=-

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