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The One I Love

Our nightly journey to Harley I love you so much baby here I lay in silent slumber softly I do sleep waiting for visions of you to come to me my sweet you take me to a place I've never known before a place of passion yet filled with so much more your eyes I watch as they burn with desire our bodies entwined our souls lifting higher your touch burns me with such grand passion causing me to leave behind all reason and ration I lay here quivering no not from fear but from your touch so sweet so dear With a moan of pleasure ruby lips do part bound together mind body soul and heart slowly I stir softly I do wake from this our journey we both take the morning sun kissing upon my bare shoulder my passions on fire in your warmth I smoulder I wake realizing I am there yet nightly in my dreams passions we share knowing one day in each others arms we will be sharing our lifes thought time and eternity from your soon to be wife Acey baby I love you so very much

<bgsound MCR.midi"> loop=infinite>
Magic Carpet Ride