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Other Layout Sites
Esteems Layouts
Klay Kreations
Sketch Layouts

If U Do Layouts & Would Like 2 Be Added Here Let Me Know
1. After you select a layout, please drop me a note or sign my G-Book on my Personal page, so I can check out your page.

2. Please Dont STEAL!!!or try to copy anything on this page; BE A LEADER NOT A FOLLOWER.

3. Before you ask for help-check the helpfull links section first

4. If you want a layout I dont have here, check out the other layout site I have listed on this Page.

5. All Request need to be made on this Page.
1. Click on the layout that you want to put on your page to see the larger view.

2. After previewing the layout, Go to the code Page.

3. Press and hold down the Ctrl and A keys on your keyboard to select the entire code.

4. Press and hold down the Ctrl and C keys on your keyboard to copy the entire code.

5. Paste this code in Notepad or Wordpad to edit the coding.

6. Use common sense to edit the text that says "Your Text or Pictures Here" or "Type Your BP Name Here" or "Your AOL or Yahoo IM Name".

7. Copy and paste the code into your "Personal Message Box". Enjoy!!
Code Page
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