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My Day

  1. Get up

  2. Eat breakfast

  3. go to school

  4. Go back to sleep

My Favorite Colors

read the colors fast but not the words

  • green

  • black

  • red

  • blue

  • gray

  • pink

  • orange

  • yellow 

  • lime 

Mustafa Al-Kadri


Hobbies   Family  School  My Uncle Graduation  Quran

Welcome to Mustafa'

web page!


My name is Mustafa, and in this web page I am going to talk about my family, Islam, school, and hobbies. You can look at the top of the page and check out these cool stuff. You can also find out about my procedures and favorites.

Check My Web

Check out my hobbies at the top of the page. It has all my hobbies filled with fun and very interesting. It has pictures to see and what I mostly play. Again its pact with allot of interesting fun.

Do you want to hear about my family? Well I hope so because my family is great! I have pictures and lots of fun information about my family.

My school id fun because always got something new. I attend a private Islamic private school called Brighter Horizon Academy.

This telawah by Shikh Sad Algamidi