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Even Though

Even though we fight a lot, I love you.
We fight, I think, because the stakes are high.
I sometimes get so mad I cannot stand you,
But underneath my anger I could cry.
I have an uncontrolled need to control you,
To be your only destiny and guide.
I know it isn't fair to try to mold you,
But my poor love's entangled in my pride.
Ah, love! Please love me even in my fury,
Which rises like a tide beneath the moon.
I plead before my only judge and jury:
I want to change, but know change won't come soon.
Love finds it hard to let the loved one be
The person who is loved so passionately.
The past is like a sculpture:
Cold, unyielding stone,
Shaped in all the heat of life
But now best left alone.
If you'd like to look at it,
I'm sure that you will see
Someone somewhat similar,
But not the same as me.
The difference is in loving you,
Which changes sex to light,
From ego-driven ecstasy
To mutual delight;
From self-consuming pleasure
That can the self destroy,
To self-surpassing tenderness,
And joy in giving joy.
I am no longer who I was,
But am completely yours
In all my passion and desire,
In all that faith restores;
So do not turn away from me,
Jealous of the past,
And we in our embrace shall dance
To music that will last.
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