Do you have some really good calves but no time to show them? Would you like for people to see your good cattle and increase your ranch's exposure to other breeders?

Let Double H Longhorns show off your cattle on the show circuit.

Maybe you don't live on your ranch so you are not available to feed your cattle daily. Or maybe life is too busy and you don't have the time or desire to halter-break your calves.

Let Double H Longhorns "fit" your cattle for the show ring.

At Double H Longhorns, we have been showing Texas Longhorn cattle since 1998. The primary showmen were Kathryn and Matthew. Both Kathryn and Matthew learned their showmanship techniques from John T. Baker through the Sunrise Showmanship Camp. They improved their skills and techniques through several years of experience. During their years of shown Kathryn and Matthew won numerous Showmanship honors (listed below) and were routinely ranked in the TLBT Hall of Fame.

Kathryn and Matthew have now grown up and left home, but Double H Longhorns is still showing cattle. Over the past several years, Kathryn and Matthew have shared their showmanship knowledge with several other kids that have been traveling with us.

Kailee Vuskov has been part of our team since 2007 and is our most experienced showman. Besides learning from Kathryn and Matthew, Kailee has also attended Sunrise Showmanship camp. Kailee routinely places in the top three in her showmanship age group.

In 2009 we met the Karbowski/Ryan family; soon afterwards West Ryan and Reese Ryan began showing with us and both of them have turned into very good showmen. Like Kailee, Reese has also attended Sunrise Showmanship Camp to improve her skills.

In the past year we have had six other new kids show with us. The youngest of these, Sara Jennings has worked hard to learn how to show cattle and it shows. Sara won Junior Showmanship three times in her first five shows.

New Show Team

Some of the kids that showed for Double H Longhorns at the 2010 TLBAA World Expo included (clockwise from top left) West Ryan, Allyn Ryan, Barclay Brunson, Tabitha Faske, Timothy Phillips, Blair Brunson, Kailee Vuskov and Reese Ryan.

Kathryn Head

2007   STLA Winterfest
2007   Houston Livestock Show
2006   South Texas State Fair
2006   TLBT National Show
2006   Fort Worth Livestock Show
2003   TLBGCA Show
2003   East Texas State Fair
2002   Ark-La-Tex Show
2001   H.O.T. Show
2000   Ark-La-Tex Show
1999   South Texas State Fair

Sara Jennings

2013   TLBGCA Youth Show B
2013   TLBGCA Youth Show A
2013   Houston Livestock Show
2013   San Antonio Livestock Show
2012   STLA Winterfest, Youth Show B
2012   STLA Winterfest, Youth Show A
2012   Autobahn Superstakes

Matthew Head

2010   Texas Rice Festival
2010   STLA/HOT Show
2010   Houston Livestock Show
2009   TLBGCA Show
2008   STLA Winterfest
2008   TLBGCA Show
2008   STLA/HOT Show C
2007   STLA Winterfest
2006   South Texas State Fair
2005   TLBGCA Show
2005   H.O.T. Show
2005   Houston Livestock Show
2005   Fort Worth Livestock Show
2004   Ark-La-Tex Show
2004   South Texas State Fair
2002   H.O.T. Show
1999   Ark-La-Tex Show
1999   South Texas State Fair

Put Double H Longhorns to work fitting and showing your cattle. The following breeders have trusted Double H Longhorns to exhibit their cattle. Feel free to contact them and inquire about the job we did for them.

Lone Star Longhorns   David & Lynda Bradley,   Centerville, TX
Star Creek Ranch   Darlene Aldridge, DVM, and John Parmley,   Somerville, TX
Taylor Cattle Co.   Gearry Taylor and Todd Taylor,   Yorktown, TX
JR Ranch   Dave Johnson & Carole Reardon,   Aquilla, TX
Ap'lJac Farms   Steve Montgomery,   Burton, TX
Red Tree Farms   William Caldwell,   Woodville, TX
Talon Land & Cattle Co.   Wendy Williams,   League City, TX

1-7 Longhorns   Kathy Lewis,   Porter, TX

Real Hot
RTF Real Hot - World Class Champion
Kathryn & Matthew have been showing cattle for Bill Caldwell of Red Tree Farms, Woodville, TX, since September, 2006. In the 2010 TLBT National Show, RTF Real Hot was selected as Class Champion with Kailee Vuskov as the showman. Two days later in the TLBAA World Expo, RTF Real Hot placed 2nd in class with Kathryn as the showman. RTF Real Hot has a heifer calf at side and both will be shown during the 2010-2011 season.
Boomer_and_Kat Prospector_2005
JR Boomer - World Class Champion LSL Prospector - Res. Grand Champion
Matthew & Kathryn have been showing cattle for David Johnson & Carole Reardon of JR Ranch, Aquilla, TX, since September, 2004. With Kathryn on the lead rope, JR Boomer was selected as Class Champion at the 2006 TLBAA World Expo. In 2007, JR Boomer was twice selected as Grand Champion when shown by Matthew and twice as Reserve Grand Champion when shown by Kathryn. Kathryn and LSL Prospector, formerly owned by David & Lynda Bradley of Lone Star Longhorns, Santa Fe, TX, made a good team for two show seasons, winning numerous Grand Champions and Reserve Grand Champions. This particular Reserve Grand Champion was at the 2005 State Fair of Texas in Dallas.
JR_Nita_HLSR Dayo_2003
JR Nita LSL Rio's de Janerio
Matthew showed JR Nita for David Johnson & Carole Reardon throughout the 2004-2005 season. At the Houston Livestock Show, Matthew won Intermediate Showmanship Champion while showing JR Nita. In 2003, Kathryn and LSL Rio's de Janeiro won Class Champion at the State Fair of Texas. Kathryn presented Lynda with her first trophy belt buckle which she is proudly displaying.
STLA_2004_24 Unlisted_Number
GT Starbright RTF Unlisted Number
Kathryn showed GT Starbright for Gearry Taylor of Taylor Cattle Co., Yorktown, TX, throughout the 2003-2004 season. This photograph was taken at the Star of Texas Fair & Rodeo in Austin, TX. Taylor Cattle Co. sold this heifer later in the year at the 2004 Horn Showcase sale. Matthew showed RTF Unlisted Number for Bill Caldwell of Red Tree Farm, Woodville, TX, throughout the 2006-2007 season. This photograph was taken during the TLBGCA Show in Brenham, TX, in May, 2007. Matthew did an excellent job of halter-breaking and showing this bull.