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The Rolling Stones

Good Site For hardcore Stones Fans
Stones pictures
Keno's Stones site...good for all levels of Stones fans
Mick Jagger Bio
Keith Richards Bio

The Rollings Stones have two guitarists, Keith Richards (rhythm) and Mick Jagger (lead). Of the two, I think most people would agree that Keith is the superior guitarists, and really one of the formost rhythem guitarists of the past 50 years. A large portion of the Stones' catalogue is easily recognizable from the first lick (ex. Start Me Up, Brown Sugar...the list goes on and on) ...this is Keith. One thing my dad likes to say about The Rolling Stones is that "they are the greatest rock'n'roll band of all time...just ask them," and this says a lot about their attitude and image. I found this underneath a picutre of Keith Richards on another Stones site "Let me please introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth and taste. I'm the rhythm guitarist for The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in The History of Mankind. I'm Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones. Dig me, dig me deep..." So I'm pretty sure my dad didn't just make that up. Also, they really are a kickin band and if you go out and buy 40 Licks (their recent compilation album) one of the things you will probably enjoy about it is that you can listen to it staight through without having to skip any tracks. The early Stones tracks really sound like blues pop but somehow they evolved into a pretty damn good band.
