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 The Floppy Bunny 



Welcome to the Floppy Bunny!!!


We are the proud caretakers of Mickey, Krystal, & Apache (above). Since Mickey became a part of our lives last September (2002) we have had many hours that we’ve devoted to bunny rearing. My husband used to raise rabbits as a teenager but eventually stopped. Now that we have our own family we decided the kids could benefit from the joys of having an animal best friend. After we purchased Mickey we decided he needed a playmate for when everyone was at work/school. This March(2003) we found Krystal and thought she was the sweetest thing and brought her home to meet Mickey. He was in love at first sight!!! She however is still a little timid but she has not shunned him. In fact, she is due to have a litter on April 14,2003.


     Mickey is a Black Mini Lop, Apache & Krystal are both Holland Lops.  Hollands typically weigh between 3-5 lbs. making them the perfect size for children who may have trouble carrying larger breeds of rabbits correctly.  Also some seem to have a naturally affectionate nature, almost like a puppy dog, without all the slobber. Mickey even likes to lick us to show us how much he loves us. While Krystal prefers simply to nuzzle so we can show her she’s safe. Apache just loves his nose/forehead rubs.






On to the info …