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English Education Community Advisory Board
Webpage and Directory

Established in May 2002, the EECAB has been formed to increase communication between the schools and the university, and to form strong partnerships with institutions and individuals in the preparation of future teachers.  Dr. Paula Ressler, Director of English Education at ISU formed the EECAB with educators throughout Illinois.

Members of the Board

Becca Chase
Kathy Clesson
Brian Conant
Tom Crumpler
Linda Giovanetto
Shauna Gough
Erin Hynes
Harriet Johnson-Naden
Claire LaMonica
Lynda Lane
Ken Lindblom
Thomas McCann
Alison Nelson
N. Kay Parker
Paula Ressler
Julie Riley
Pamela Taylor
Jolyn Yocum

Composition of the Board

The board will have a balance of representation from the student teacher triad, which consists of student teachers and new teachers, cooperating teachers, and university faculty.  Each board representative can also form the nucleus of a site-based subcommittee, potentially giving more people imput into the work of the advisory board.

The student teacher representatives will be inclusive of new teachers and people currently taking methods courses.  Middle school, high school, and board certified teachers will be represented in the cooperating teacher group.  The university group will include supervisors, methods teachers, English Education Committee members, Curriculum and Instruction faculty, and community college faculty.

Administrators, parents, and community representatives may be brought in to serve on the board from particular schools or districts, at particular times in which we develop specific initiatives for those schools or districts.

Charge of the Board

The board has considered revision of student teaching guidelines and forms, and fundraising and grant possibilities to study and sustain teacher education programs.

Description of research study to be conducted in academic year 2003-2004:  Illinois State University English Education Program Cooperating Teacher Orientation Program.

Next Meeting

Monday, August 18, 2003 - 10 a.m.