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daily happenings! (a.k.a. the blog)

2/19/2004 - Feel great!
How great do you feel? Click here
2/09/2004 - Apologies
Sorry about the technical difficulty; I launched this new version a couple days ago but forgot to replace the "Under Construction" page with this one. Aw well, what matters is that I got it back up.
2/08/2004 - The Hobo Pimp
Today I saw what might've been one of the funniest thing I've ever seen: a homeless guy that was dressed like a cheap playa. So I decided that my personal name for him would be the "Hobo Pimp". If I remember correctly, H.P. was this tall, skinny white guy in his 50s, but he was wearing a Polo jacket, cargo jeans, and topping it all off with a black fedora. If I ever see this guy again, I hope I have a camera ready.