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A Raisin in the Sun Vocab. – Jack Yang

1.      erratic - Having no fixed or regular course; wandering.

2.      indictment - A written statement charging a party with the commission of a crime or other offense, drawn up by a prosecuting attorney and found and presented by a grand jury.

3.      exasperated - To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.

4.      vindicated - To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof.

5.      defiance - Bold resistance to an opposing force or authority.

6.      graft - To join or unite closely.

7.      permeated - To spread or flow throughout; pervade.

8.      inflection - Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice.

9.      furtively - Characterized by stealth; surreptitious.

10.  neurotic - Of, relating to, or affected with a neurosis.

11.  heathenism - One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam

12.  acute - Keenly perceptive or discerning.

13.  mutilated - To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple.

14.  quizzical - Suggesting puzzlement; questioning.

15.  vengeances - Infliction of punishment in return for a wrong committed; retribution.

16.  haphazardly - Dependent upon or characterized by mere chance.

17.  umpteen - Relatively large but unspecified in number.

18.  lynched - To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob.

19.  coquettishly - A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt.

20.  eccentric - Departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern.

21.  cliché - A trite or overused expression or idea.

22.  scrutinizing - To examine closely; to inspect or observe with critical attention.

23.  mimic - To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture; ape.

24.  retardation - Something that retards; a delay or hindrance.

25.  plaintively - Expressing sorrow; mournful or melancholy.

26.  incredulity - A withholding or refusal of belief.

27.  momentum - An essential or constituent element; a moment.

28.  revelation - A manifestation of divine will or truth.

29.  idiom - A speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements.

30.  strident - Loud, harsh, grating, or shrill; discordant.

31.  exuberant - Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy.

32.  burlesque - A literary or dramatic work that ridicules a subject either by presenting a solemn subject in an undignified style or an inconsequential subject in a dignified style.

33.  maliciously - Indulging or exercising malice; harboring ill will or enmity.

34.  amiably - Friendly and agreeable in disposition; good-natured and likable.

35.  deplore - To feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn.

36.  facetiousness - Playfully jocular; humorous.

37.  ludicrous - Laughable or hilarious because of obvious absurdity or incongruity.

38.  taut - Pulled or drawn tight; not slack.

39.  forlornly - Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned.

40.  mirage - Something illusory or insubstantial.

41.  retrogression - The act or process of deteriorating or declining.

42.  martyr - One who chooses to suffer death rather than renounce religious principles.

43.  replenish - To fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to.

44.  flippancy - Marked by disrespectful levity or casualness; pert.

45.  entrepreneur - A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.

46.  gait - A particular way or manner of moving on.

47.  anguished - Agonizing physical or mental pain; torment.

48.  negotiate - To arrange or settle by discussion and mutual agreement.

49.  precariously - Dangerously lacking in security or stability.