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Home of an Apache! Welcome to my teepee!

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Hi, I'm Leslie. My full name is Leslie Annette Miller. I was born July 1st, 1986, which is also Canada Day, lol. I am 19 years old. I am a sophmore at Tyler Junior College. I am in the TJC Apache Band, and even though I'm not that great at playing the clarinet (actually I am I just don't like to brag), I still love it! My major is Radiologic Technology, it used to be Dental Hygiene, but after taking Intro to health Professions, my views changed and I am more interested in Rad Tech now. I only need an associates degree for that. I used to drive a wintergreen 1994 honda accord, but I was in a wreak and my poor baby Brooke was totalled. :( There is a picture of my old car up top, but it was the old color, I had just got it painted. So my dad is letting me drive his black '96 Toyota Avalon, which I like it too, but not as much as my baby, and now he has a 2004 Impala, that is so nice. I have 2 brothers, Justin (22) and Blake (28) (pics also up top). Right now I have more college credit then they do, lol. Then there is my mom, dad, and the family dog named Tessa, she's so cute, she is 13 years old and she is the baby of the family, lol! Tessa is a chubby Border Collie, and reminds me of a killer whale or a cow. I also just got a new puppy, it is a 9 month old Jack Russell Terrier, it is mine and my fiances. I lived in Texas until I was 9 then we moved to CT for 4 years, and now I'm back in Texas. Texas rocks, but I miss the snow so much! If you want to talk to me, e-mail me or IM me on instant messanger if I'm ever on. My screen name is amazos86 and email is the same I'm a Christian! And I hope that if you don't know God personally you should get to someone who can help you. I don't smoke or do drugs. Anyway thats just a lot of stuff about me. Some of my friends are (in no special order): Josh Rodriguez, Chris and Ashley Coon, Ross Melton, Erin Holt, Luke Pendergrass, Krysten Harris, Sarah Ethridge, Brittany Ballard, Mallory Novak, Rosemary Novak, Ghetto!, Brandi Arnett, Jon Shyer, Kristen Davis, Sarah Ponder, Johnny Orr, Ryan Lilly, MY BEST BUDDY-Tami, my fiance Josh, and lots more, if you were not up here and you want your name here please tell me! My favorite hobbies are: sword fighting (when I get the chance), hanging out with friends, traveling with friends, making things, catching reptiles and other animals, sleeping, swimming, playing in the TJC Band, watching movies (POTC), horseback riding, anything that has to do with animals, playing games, and talking on the internet. Just the other day I caught a 5 foot rat snake in my backyard! I watch too much Jeff Corwin, so I tried to catch it myself the way they do on those shows, lol, and I did! I was so happy, cause I love snakes. But my favorite animal is the cheetah and they have always been, but I also like horses and cows! If you've noticed my bro Blake is wearing a strange outfit and he is next to a horse, that is because he is in the Renaisance Fair. One time he took me with him and I learned how to sword fight, it was awesome. My favorite color is any color of blue, but like you really need to know that. I listen to rock/pop, alternative, and punk rock, I dont like country except for Garth Brooks. I love my life and I couldn't have got this far in life if I didn't have Christ to lead me through the storms, anything is possible through Him. ~Leslie~ "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." -Matthew 9:38 "A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who pours out lies will not go free." -Proverbs 19:5 Well thats all I got to say, ttyl! Yours in Christ! (Last update: Feburary 27, 2006) These are some pictures of a couple of my favorite animals, I'm hoping to get a tattoo of a cheetah someday soon. They are so cool.