Beverly at the walk start. |
Schnauzer and friend getting ready to walk. |
Lenore brought along a friend to walk, her name is Jackie . They were playing on the rocks while we were signing up. |
Getting a drink already. |
View of the overflow dam on the Llano river from the bridge above. |
A poodle and friends on the bridge in front of us. |
The Llano historic jailhouse. |
Jackie and Lenore carried their own water (at least for awhile). |
These ladies pushing a stroller passed us early on. |
We are just about to checkpoint #1 on the City trail. We are going to replace Lyn. |
Here come our first customers. |
The girls got bored waiting for walkers. They were practicing their cartwheels. |
The girls punching Frank's startcard. |
Another walker. |
Here comes Darlene and Rick. |
It was Jackie's turn to punch the cards, she didn't wait for them to get to the checkpoint. |
Pat, Ruth, Rose and Clara. |
Siba getting her card punched. |
Lenore took a turn with the punch. |
Our checkpoint volunteers eagerly greet the next two walkers, Gene and Ruth. |
This is Hal and Jean just coming in, and Ruth getting a drink of water. |
The Kittinger's were our replacements at the checkpoint. We gathered up our things and continued on the walk route. |
The camera didn't do justice to this house. It was wonderful. |
The girls are now beginning to slow down. We were very glad to reach checkpoint #2. Unfortunately, my batteries had run down, so there were no more pictures. |
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