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This is my page for all of my obsessions, mainly shown in the written form. They include: Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Labyrinth, The Lord of the Rings, and quite possibly more.

This fansite brought to you by Myst and Ghost

My two best friends.


I'm sitting at a desk at my job
Waiting for something to happen
I've dialed phones and twisted knobs
I've even thrown away my trash-can
My eyes keep falling shut
My feet keep tapping to an unseen beat
My co-workers think I'm a nut
Since I keep going on about the Nutcracker Suite!
I'm sitting at a desk at my job
While my imagination runs wild
It's much like an angry mob
Or even the tantrums of a child!
There's a feral beast on the prowl
Waiting to feast on the unsuspecting
Nobody knows as I do, that the owl
In its choice is highly unselecting
They'll just sit there and coo
Over the wisdom of the bird
While they really have no clue
That they're its next hors'd'oeurve!
~written by Mary "Christmas" Kinnard

Please bookmark this site as it will be updated often.


2/16/03:Here's another picture of Lestrade.

Cute huh?

2/9/03: Okay, I've been Practicing putting images directly on a's a short, odd little story by me.

Guess what? I've got some fanart!! check it out...A lovely picture Another one And the final one... I may have more up later..maybe..

Okay, it's a little later and I have one more up...Hope you like it... *evil grin*

Okay, it's even later (I did the others at like two in the morning) And here's a couple more pics. One is Basil and Alicia from my Basil 22nd thing.

This one is some original was really good when I drew it, and I'm rather proud of it. It doesn't look as good up on the web, because I had to use a digital camera since it seems that I'll never get my stupid scanner to work. But that's okay, because the shadows look really cool now...

Here are a couple of Inu-Yasha pics. They're the only ones I was able to draw, but that's okay. The first one And the second one

I also have a couple of Yugi pictures...Yami Yugi And Light and Dark

And finally, I drew another Lestrade picture...I think her expression tells it all.

One more today, and then I've got to hand's hurting from having to darken the lines Tee hee

08/13/02: Well, it's been a while since I updated huh? The last few chapters of Ring of Innocence are up. Actually, they've been up but..well...yeah.

Also, I have a new SH22 Story that I've started. It's called Austin Powers: Insanity's the Limit. It's a crossover if you couldn't tell...

03/12/02: Chapters Four through twelve of Innocence are now up

03/06/02: Chapter Three of Ring of Innocence now up!

03/01/02: Ring of Innocence now up. Rated R.

02/27/02: I now have Part 4 of The Ring of Doom up

Also a new fandom I've become interested in a new fandom: Final Fantasy X The Prophecy of the Wolves

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