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TTFN Rules n Staff

This and That Friendship Nooks
Staff and Rules

Cindy aka Whiniphoo
List Leader
Games..Tag Contest..Updates

Deb aka DebA4TTFN
Assitant to Leader
Tutorials..Tag Offers

Shirley aka StillShirleyXO
Question of the Day
Member of the Week

Kim aka Firemanswife007
Tube of the Day
WORD of the Day

Marilyn aka Smoothmvs3
Silly Sentence
Guess Me Game
Daily Challenges

Vonne aka Maudlin soul
Tag Offers

Nessa aka GaBabyGirl63
Tag Offers

1. Do not delete the "Do Not Delete"that I send..
including the daily updates.
If it has DND from me its important
2. No Tosing/must use disclaimer at all times
3. No Forwarding....copy and paste to share
if its a download you must download first
and then send it
4. NO half only
and must put AC in the Email not subject line
5. If you have a full mailbox at the time the update is sent out
you will be put on hold for 3 consecutive updates
if after that you still have a full box
you will be removed and have to ask to be added again
6. If you have a problem or a complaint dont mail the whole list
Please come to me and lets see if we can handle it between us OK
7. You must be over 18 due to some Adult content
8. I Allow 48 hours for full removal
9. I Promise to do my very best in sharing and not just take.
I am not putting a limit here for I trust you who sign this disclaimer will share
(sorry had to throw this in)

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