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2. All cattle must be registered in the seller’s name with the TLBAA or ITLA. Calves selling at the dam’s side must be noted on the dam’s Transfer Application. Calves selling separate and yearling heifers need not be registered to the seller if accompanied by a completed Registration Application.

3. Each lot will be comprised of either; a cow, cow/calf pair, bull or steer.

a. Split lots where the calf is to be sold separate from its dam will be charged an additional 10% of the selling price of the calf and the additional transfer/registration fee.

b. Lots comprised of multiple animals as described above MUST share the same pen.

4. The consignment fee will be $300 +5% commission per lot for both the heifer and cattle sale. A maximum of thirty (30) heifers will be sold in the heifer sale

a.  $300 must accompany each nomination application. Make checks payable to TLBGCA. The 5% commission will be deducted from the sales proceeds.

b. Failure to sell your animal results in forfeiture of your consignment fee.

c. Scratched lots will be subject to forfeiture of the $300 consignment fee. Substitutions will be permitted after the consignment deadline, however the seller is responsible for providing all relevant material (i.e. registration certificate, transfer application, etc) to the Sale Manager no later than JUNE 1, 2009. The seller is advised to bring extra handout materials (i.e. copies of registration certificate, pictures, breeding info, etc) of the substitution the day of the sale.

5. All nominations must be accompanied with the following:

a. Consignment and consent form (enclosed). If you need more, the consignment form will be posted on for your convenience, or please photocopy as necessary.

b. Check for $300 per consignment made out the TLBGCA.

c. A GOOD photograph of each animal. Digital pictures are preferred since all sale cattle will be listed on the TLBGCA website.

d. Digital photographs can either be sent via e-mail to or on a compact disc (CD) addressed to Ross Polk 1418 Avenue D Danbury, Texas 77534. Each animal file must be identified with its name/owner. No Polaroid photos will be accepted!

e. Original TLBAA or ITLA Registration Certificate.

f. Completed Transfer Application. If you are selling a cow with a calf at side, please be sure to fill in the breeding information on the calf so it may be registered.

g. If your cow has been artificially inseminated, an official Breeding Certificate, signed by the technician is required.

6. All cattle must be tested for interstate shipment. Each consignor shall comply with applicable rules and regulations of the Texas Animal Health Commission. Each animal must have an individual TAHC health certificate showing brucellosis tests.  All cattle must have one test within 30 days of sale date. Health papers must be dated within 30 days of sale date. Serological test for brucellosis must be conducted in a State/Federal Lab. Please check with your Veterinarian as to the above tests, especially if you have a Certified Free Herd, as rules are always changing.

7. Health papers must contain all the information outlined in the Health Requirements, properly completed health papers must be presented at the time the animal enters the sale facility and each consignor is responsible for delivering all required papers to the sale chairman or his representative. Please make sure your veterinarian clearly identifies the animal on the health papers by their private herd number. For those with certified free herds, it will be necessary to have your last test date for your herd certification noted on your health papers.

8. Consignors are required to have a completed health certificate for each animal consigned to the sale. Normally, the veterinarian will complete one health certificate even if there are several animals to be included. Duplicate copies of the original health certificate can be used for each lot.

9. All heifers 4 to 12 months old must be vaccinated for brucellosis.

10. All females, with or without calves at side, must be palpated by a licensed Veterinarian and pregnancy status written on the health certificate.

11. All bulls must be fertility tested by a Veterinarian and the fertility results must accompany the health papers.

12. The sale chairman or his representative will visually inspect all cattle upon arrival at the sale facility. All inspections will be carried out with utmost discretion.

13. The TLBGCA will accept no animals, other than those consigned to the sale, or registered for the display pens.

14. All consignors are expected to assist in tagging and brand inspection of their own animals. Some consignors ear tag the calves to match their mothers and use their lot number that is assigned to them in the sale.

15. All consignors are to provide feed and water tubs for each consignment.

16. The TLBGCA assumes no responsibility or liability for any guarantee made by the consignor. All guarantees are strictly between the consignor and the buyer. The TLBGCA is not responsible for the health or safety of any animal consigned to the sale. This includes loss of life, loss of health, loss by theft or other perils.

17. All consignors must comply with all of the above rules and regulations and conditions subsequently passed by the TLBGCA.