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Home|Reporting Procedures|Chain of Command|Upcomming Events|Ribbon Chart|Class Notes|Extras

Welcome to all AS-1 cadets to my AFJROTC site. I am C/1Lt Megan Self, and I am the Comptroller for the Texas 739rd Air Force Junior ROTC. I have been a cadet of the Texas 793rd at Clark High School for four years and loved every minute of it. If you are a current cadet at my high school, then I hope you find this page very helpful towards class.

I started this site last year when C/Col Joshua Greene was our Wing commander. This year our new Wing Commander is my fellow AS-4 C/Lt Col Victor Martinez.

I created this site to help the new AS-1 and other AS levels with some basic knowledge that is needed for AFJROTC. I have added the Chain of Command, Reporting Procedures, & some extras. Also, soon to come I will be adding a ribbon chart and a schedule of upcoming events like football games and other Corp events. If you have any suggestions on what to add please email me at the email at the bottom of this page.

Corp Values
  • Integrety First
  • Service Before Self
  • Excellence In All We Do