Standard of Perfection


The Texan Pioneer is to be a true auto-sexing breed (pure for the faded factor) being a trim, hard bodied utility bird, having a high dressed-out to live ratio, and comforming to the standard of perfection drawing as near as possible. The Texan Pioneer, being a utility squabbing breed, it is important that the bird have as small a head and feet as possible, yet be in proportion to the body.

Weights of the birds to be as follows:

Young birds - 26 to 30 ounces

Old birds - 28 to 32 ounces


BODY - 25 - The Texan Pioneer is to be a stocky, large breasted, solid, firm bodied bird. The length and depth of the keel to be approximately 3-5/8 inches and the width of the keel to exceed the depth and length giving a square appearance.

EYE CERE - 5 - All Texan Pioneers are to have a narrow flesh colored eye cere.

HEAD - 10 - The head of the Texan Pioneer is to be small but in proportion to the body, be held up and back giving the alert appearance, and is to taper to a "v" toward the beak.

NECK - 10 - The neck of the Texan Pioneer is to be of medium size, not coarse, short and contouring gently into the body.

WINGS - 10 - The wings are to be carried up on the tail and to lay flat (no side board effect) to be held firmly to the body, wing butts to be fully covered, and covetts to cover back completely.

TAIL - 10 - The tail to be approximately 6 inches long from the back of the legs to the tip of the tail. As near as possible to be one feather wide, and carried approximately 3 inches up from the floor and parralell to the floor. The tail to be approximately 3/4 inch longer that the wing tips and with as little a "knob" as possible. The Texan Pioneer should feel as though it will slip out of your hands when held properly.

FEET AND LEGS - 10 - The Texan Pioneer legs to be as small as posible yet in proportion to the body, wide set and with the drum sticks and thighs well fleshed. Toes shall be fine boned and short. Legs to be nearly straight, not to give a squatty appearance.

FEATHERS - 10 - All birds to be fully feathered with hard feathers firmly held to the body. Feathers with the oily sheen indicate one of good health. Loose feathers are undesirable.

STATION (CARRIAGE) - 10 - The Texan Pioneer is to be approximately 10 1/2 inches long and high, to be one of alertness and good health, not flighty, and with beak carried approximately 3/4 inch back of the front line of the breast.

DISQUALIFICATIONS - A. Under or over weight. B. Any damaged or sick birds. C. Any that show signs of trimming or plucking. D. Any deformities, frill or crest feathers, extra toes, crooked or missing toes, crooked keel, and/or crooked beak.
