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Grave Digger!






The night light shines upon the city of Oakland as the wind is blowing upon the flags at the buildings. A simple glance across the bay can shine the moonlight back into the viewer's eyes, with no remorse. However, in the moonlight's gaze, a shadow of a figure stands tall upon the buildings. The camera focuses onto him, revealing a shining light laying upon the man's feet. The shining light seems to be the IWF World Heavyweight Championship. A chorus of boos echo loudly throughout the arena, sending his name in vain. Slowly he turns around and just glares past the camera, to his leftside. Chants come his way, as he stands there just letting it all seep into his thoughts. Suddenly, he leans his head back and begins to laugh sadistically. Without notice, he stops, pearing down at the camera's glance.
Grave Digger- "Oh but the dead of night. The skyline, the beauty of the dark underworld preforming its tasks of staying at the innocent victim's grasp, not letting a single leak of air into their fog. Forming all forms of society deads and wills, they haft yet to be done fully however. Yes, I have just stated that there is more terror that shall come. There is more horror that shalt be felt within a heartless mercy, forming and creating the horror of the midnight light. Yet, has the world been undone with their mercy as of late last night the call did cry out that I was declared upon the World? Has the cry of sorrows and faithless father's been willed towards my way? Ah but alas...indeed it has!!!"
Yet another cry of laughter is heard from his mouth. Again, like before he stops and squats, lifting the belt in his hands. It is the same exact belt as Christopher Jones carried around for such a era. He starts laughing again. Again it stops.
Grave Digger- "Ah, the Hitman himself was left weaping and willowing over the fact that he himself has had his punishment due to I. Due to I, I have singly caused the World to weap for you, chanting your name and hoping and desiring that you would send myself far to the left of the room that we were upon. Again and again, your talents did you just, but however the prophocy that I fortold did infact come true, now hasn't it Christopher Jones? Your name, mixed with so much pleasue within yourself, has yet to face the fact that you are not yet the dying breed and I am yet just now conquering what I have set forth and did unwillingly without fear in my heart. As cold as the night shall let out a single breath of air, you have yet fallen so short of your feats that you have proclaimed to be your truths. Christopher Jones, or should I say "Fallen Victim", your talents have yet fallen short of your mouth, for it tastes a single defense, but yet you cannot defend yourself against something more massive, and something more mystical, than your heart does know. Last night, was yet a simple defeat for myself, and yet, you do not see the horror that is now lying before you, simply because you were outdone, and outwitted. Last night, I overcame and persued the single handed victory that I fortold, preaching my word out to others upon deaf ears, and yet my word stands truthfully willed and majestic. Should I take such pride in destroying you time after time? Should I take such pride as I did lifting your body with others in a mass quanity, up high into the Heaven's as you prayed to your Gods that I did not, nor would not take your life then and there on the spot, that instance? Should I take pride in the fact that I myself had stolen the World Heavyweight Title from your grip, and tossed it around like a puppy, toying with it time and time again?Should I be among the masses, to regain my rightfull spot at the top of the game? Or should I just keep silient when my words fell upon deaf ears? Christopher Jones, you are yet the stepping stone for my words to be heard. Yourself, was yet a mere demonic possesed feat that I oversaw and went passed, making my way down that prision as not one of the inmates, but the soul suvivor of an everlasting history, that shall indeed go down upon the books and books, reliving the moment that I, the Father of Earth and the Terror of Hell, walked out of Alcatraz....alive!!!"
His gaze meets with the World belt, staring upon it.
Grave Digger- "Ah but alas old friend, we have met again in this solice of places. Upon flem and hard faught battles, I yet can claim you upon the world as the only Begotten Son of the Father of Earth. Yet, there are some fencing themselves to yet take you away from my hands? Off my recents golden hands that have yet to honestly taste the sweet nector that flows through your golden viens of torment and history? They want to retreive what I have faught for and stolen to just smell of thee once? How dare you challengers step forward and demand like you are some sort immortals!!! How dare thee that dost go there, proclaiming upon their tracks that they deserve you more so than I? They call out the former, that did not have you, but they do not understand that the bond that we do have!!! They seek, to know the everlasting desire that I have gotten from such a trance upon yoru gaze. They have stated the former's name, crying out the wishing desriable name, but getting no response but from I!! I am the yet the now truth behind the consequences. I am yet the horrid sensations that they should worry about now. Even as he, he had no right to do what he did, that Christopher Jones!! He had no right to declair you his friend, when you know who your only friend in the world is!! Your friend, is none other than I!! They wish to know what it is that he never knew, but I have known all along. His so called dipolmatic emunity as run short of what he has stated in the past, and he has received what he got last night in that jailhouse. Being locked away, for having his hands upon you like you were some of his cheap whores! He wanted to parade you around, but what happened Ole Friend? Who was there by your side as the bomb on Hiroshima dropped? Ah, yes, it was I and you are correct as usual. The hands of time shall really press forward, as I am set to honor you with a match at hands against a so called, self proclaimed double champion. They wish to gain what they do not know holds the true horrorific deads of my two predocessors? Ah, but they are yet stupid in the their wants, aren't they? They want you, but what they want and what they shall receive are two different agendas, are they not? Oh yes, by the possesed spirits that have arose quickly in one night, they are two different ideas that shall never meet and prosper. Shall their ideas dwell in their heads for quiet sometime, or shall I finally give into their moans upon their humanity, as they demand like they are some sort of God, preaching to their people. Preaching to their fans? Do I not desire what they have? Oh certianly. Therefore, a simple challenge to a hand picked victor...."
He raises his belt, and stares at it, with his face covered from the eyes of the camera. After a few moments of muttering the words to the belt, he lowers it. His sadistic look in his eyes has passed, leaving yet a straight faced look upon the camera.
Grave Digger- "Maybe now that I have gained your undivided attention, you shall realize the horror that is going to be inflicted upon you. Have you yet to foresee what I shall bring to this event? Wall, you speak of your title as if it was your only friend in the world. Are you so blind to see that you have your so called followers behind you, chanting your name, chanting your wishes, and cheering you on like the filthy maggot on a oxen's sarcoufagus? Wall, you stand tall as if you were a man of mystery, and the largest man in the world. Are you yet ashamed to the feeling that I shall gaze down upon you, like you were a mere small dwelling of existance. As I gaze into your eyes on the night, if in fact you are my hand picked opponent, I shall say to you the immortal words of your forfathers. Then, I shall begin the reign of terror and Hell that shall surpass you and allow myself to easily defeat you. You call yourself a Hardcore artist? Well my friend, my counter option to you is that if you do surpass the event at hand, then you and I shall meet face to face in an ongoing matchup until I shall defeat you. How confident are you in your skills that your friend has laid upon you, in the art of hardcore? Are you so egotistical that you can accept a simple challenge from the Champion himself? Or are you too chicken to show your face upon this challenge, issuing it out upon you now as I foretell what shall happen. Meet up with your partner at Rage, and seek the answers that you will not hold true. For if you do come out victorious on that eve, I shall defend the titles upon your rules. Of course, this leaves an opening for you to open your ears, and start assuming before I have finished. Your rules, the hardcore rules that you so dearly live by now, shall be placed upon this matchup. If you so desire the victory, and taste the horror that I have inflicted upon the formers, then you shall desire to take the saltlick, and hold it to the light, displaying it for all to see. Should it so be yet your best challenge ever? Your matches, your history, and your ego shall all roll into one bread loaf, letting the yeast raise in my kitchen's oven Wall. The game is set, and all peices upon the chess board are ready for action. The question is...are you a pawn for me, or are yet nothing but the Queen who I do take so easily without a care about your next counter move? Are you set? Is your game afoot Wall? Or is yet your Hardcore ego arrising and desiring to fall short in my plan to easily rid you of your moronic ways? Be it as it may Wall, I am yet the World Heavyweight Champion, legally and by all means defending against one of you two soon. Be it you, or Xtreme, the manor at which I shall destroy you shall be different. Wall, your mind is yet nothing but a pleasing ego to please no one but yourself, but will you please yourself, better yet myself, and give the match your Hardcore rules? Think of your past Wall, think of the trials that have been placed before you. Think of the way and the manor that you have destroyed many, within your rules. But then, take notice that I am the Father of Earth, and the only thing left for me to do, is to take your only, rotten soul from your feet, and sweep you off the rug of the Almighty that you want to sit upon! Think of the poor and rotten Nath Kid, and what he has endured through you. Am I out for revenge for him? Ah but alas one would think so, wouldn't they? The answer to that question is an overwhelming factor of NO. I am out, to yet to destroy like you are. However, there lies two different methods of destruction. When I stand, looking down upon on that eve if you are the oponent to be anihilated by myself, I shall see two different sides of two different men. Your methods of hardcore actions, are used without great integerity, for you lack the sense of destruction in its total form. You modify the word, but yet still call it the same. Well, Wall, you shall see that the killer instinct for Hell and Amboniation lies within my blackened heart, and I shall not stop by just sending you through one table like you so desire to do to others. No, I shall not stop at causing your blood to flow rapidly from all your veins during the event at hand. No, I shall not stop at just sending you to the hospital. For Hell hath no fury like the Father of Earth has his own way! Come now, and experience the Death that is being called out upon you now. Come now, and experience the Hell that I do bring towards you Wall. Your mere circumstances, and your mere words, are yet pathetic excuses. Your hardcore talents do infact lack the Hardcore instinct. You are nothing but a laughing immoral joke to everyone that witnesses you, and soon, at my hands and my will be done...the whole world shall witness the laughing matter that lays in the pool in of his own blood. Have you yet to learn what I am speaking of Wall? Are your ears not yet telling you that I am calling you the weaker speices upon the earth for you cannot kill off what has troubled you? Instead, you give a sign of forgivingness upon them? You are some foul joke to be laughed at forever. Indeed, you are nothing but the missing link to the mentally insane man's brain. You show signs of humanity, after causing what you call destruction? My foe, you have yet to learn destruction. You have yet to know the true meaning of the world Hell Fire. My friend, shortly, your path shall lead you through the PaleMoonLight of the GraveYard and there, you shall stay restless in an infenity of rest, sleeping soundly throughout the horrid feeligns of others that shall spit upon your grave, due to me!! Wall, judge me not by my appearance...but yet judge me by the bones that I shall break in your body if you do come out as the hand picked opponent for me on Revenge."
His eyes stare darkling into the camera. He closes them, and starts to suck in the midnight air around him. Suddenly, he stops and stares back into the camera, letting the belt hand, from his left hand.
Grave Digger- "And yet, there is another that calls himself a monster. His name alone, should send chills, but he is nothing but a contradiction of his own name. Xtreme, how dare you live as an unholy contradiction of the namesake which you have set forth? Are you destructive like Wall? Are you a horrid factor? No, for you as well lack the instinct to be a killer. You lack the serial killer which lies in everyone but you. You go around, after the Punishment, in which you won. Congrats to you, but not really. For you won due to a double count out? While I was at Alcatraz, beating and winning the one prize that you so lack? After you controversy of a win, you think that you could actually stand before me, and take the title away from me in the same rules that you faught during at Punishment? Would you ponder the meanings to your ways now? Would you die to give your soul away for this match? Xtreme, you walk around now like a former that was here, fighting for the same chance as you now. You walk around, acting and trying to mimick his actions, for what reason? Do you look up to the current IWF Commissioner? Do you wish to be like the so called American Reality himself? Or do you just simply wish to be some form of pornography actor, showing away your body at moments notice? Did Lillian Garcia like your actions? Did you get a single notice from the world at the drop of that towel? What did you gain Xtreme? Think of the consequences for now doing this, for your heart is already blackened with the ways of the world, but now, your actions shall make you pay. Xtreme, your time if you are the handpicked opponent, shall be on Saturday, where you shall dine in Hell on a feast of blood, and a drink of a killing spree of immortal killers. Come Saturday, your words, shall not matter, for you are nothing more than a mere ironic stupidity that forms in over a million of people on the Earth. Am I out to gain revenge for what you have done? No. However, it shows that you have no respect for others as you trample upon what they have done in the past? Think back Xtreme, when you were fighting for the chance to gain the Intercontinental title, how did you win? How did you get that shot? Did you seek out the terror that lived inside you as some false witness? Triple H, was left on the ground, but since then, you have been nothing more than a world class devestation of morons. Do you have any scars from your battles that you have partaked in? Think back, even a former Champion in Christopher Jones was your partner, and yes, you even won the Tag Team titles. But yet, your reign ended shortly Xtreme. It ended shortly, and was given to another team and another man who is now back in action. Your reign, and reigns, shall never be long lived, for why? You have nothing more to show than what you have done in the past as a simple tossed away champion. Your past, shall relive yourself. What do you know about me Xtreme? Do you know that I am the Father of Earth, and I am here to destroy and nothing more? Ah but I do have a counter option for you Xtreem. Like Wall, I have shall offer you something that shall strike your soul, and make your heart beat faster at the consequences that lay before you on entering this match. Xtreme, if you are indeed the handpicked opponent Saturday night, then I say you should have some price to pay. Like Wall, his price shall be his own rules, his own desires, falling short of the horrid feelings that doth lay before him against myself. But you Xtreme, you desire to be a Triple Crown Champion! Oh what joy is it not that surrounds you at that chilling factor of calling out to the world that you are indeed the first Triple Crown Champion. So Xtreme, what should your PUNISHMENT be for entering the ring with me? Do you not think that I am after the same thing that you are? You are a double champion if you win. Only the second double champion in history. The other, is the mortal man himself...Sean Rock. So what forth should be your punishment Xtreme? See Xtreme, I do not have to face you at all. Look at the past champions. They defended the belt one time before the Pay Per Views they lost at. But at the right price, I shall not only take your soul, but the two objects that you have faught for. One match, ending your hopes and dreams of ever being the spotlight. Xtreme, your your belts. Do you not think that you should be the glorified Triple Crown Champion if you can infact pin me? There has only been two that have ever pinned me and that was thanks to an absentee man from the IWF now. You have no chance in Hell if you are infact on the side of a winning outcome. Do you think that you should pay this price? You have no choice in this matter. You have three things that I desire right now Xtreme. Your belts, and your soul is now your price. Like Wall, you shall pay for entering this matchup. Your match is now priced, and I am the headhunter that shall follow out that price, seeking the blood and the unhuman ways that I so do carry around. Xtreme, your time is now, for it is time to face the facts of your livelyhood, and enter the ring, striving for the most. Look at your past again, you have been troubled with big time matches, and somehow you escape the doubters. Think of this not only as your biggest challenge, but your biggest oponent. I am no Triple H, and I am no Booker T. You failed in what you said that you were going to cause him to quit didn't you? Are you a failure now? We shall soon find out that it is true Xtreme. As you step into the ring, think not of the man that you are facing, but think of how you could get me down Xtreme. Do you think that Wall is going to be hard for you? He is a cake walk compared to me. He is yet a metaphor in your training, to stand before me. Even if you are the handpicked, do you think that you could last longer than you ever have? Xtreme, your time is now. But only I hold the key to your future door. I shall just slam it in your face. Accept my challenge. Your two belts, against the higher prize. That is an even trade Xtreme. Very my eyes!!"
Grave Digger stands there, letting the wind blow and whip across his body, causing the sound to be heard all over. He raises the belt and puts the camera closer to him. He then leans over the top of the building, letting the camera peer down upon the streets. He then lets the belt drop, flying down quickly. It lands on the ground, letting out a loud gash of air from the fans. He then begins to laugh sadistically again. The camera gets put back down, as Grave Digger stands there with the Skull Belt that he had before. His eyes roll into the back of his head quickly and he continues to laugh. He continues to laugh as he starts to talk again.
Grave Digger- "Et Tu More`. Comzo-Koti!!! Thine Shall Rise. Thine Shall Rise!!! THINE SHALL RISE!!!"
Chants and lightning starts to flash as the camera fades to static.

The Terror of Hell, The EverLasting, The Father of Earth Grave Digger