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“Haha! You’ll never catch me!” A saber-tooth tiger was chasing Kate as she said this. Kate jumped and grabbed a tree branch just before she ran into a huge boulder. The tiger wasn’t so lucky. Kate laughed, grabbed an apple from the tree, then turned and started jumping from one tree to the next. When she came to a small cave entrance, she jumped from the tree to the ground. She went in and placed the apple, and some other fruits she had gathered, in a neat little pile in the corner of the cave. After she did that she went back outside to gather wood. Little did she know she was being watched. Kate, not expecting anything, went back inside and the tiny peering eyes disappeared. She went inside and shivered as if a huge gust of wind had blown in and chilled her to the bone. She accidentally dropped the wood. She decided to leave the wood in middle of the floor and start a fire there. Once she had the fire going she walked over to a small pile of leaves on the floor in another corner of the cave and laid down. She soon fell asleep and again the gazing eyes of some unknown creature appeared in the doorway of the cave. Kate tossed and turned again and rustled in the leaves.
The next morning Kate woke up to smell smoke. Someone had doused the flames with water. The only question was who? Kate got up and took-off running into the mystical forest. Twig after twig, branch after branch, Kate decided to jump upon the branches instead of getting smacked in the face by them. She came to the middle of the forest and jumped to the ground. She landed on her bare feet but stumbled as she stood up. Clinching her fists, she quietly and cautiously started walking through the forest. Then all of a sudden she shutters and stops. Turning around she looked for what she thought was to have happened. All of a sudden she pointed to nothing or maybe something behind a bush, “You! Who are you?”
“Mm…m…me? You can see me?” Something or someone said.
“Yes, I can see you,” Kate a bit angry, I’ve seen you for ten years! You’re constantly following me.” As she said this, a tiny person appeared on a rock in front of her.
“How is it a human… a Mere CHILD… can see me?”
“Pretty simple. You don’t hide yourself well enough. If you think of yourself as an animal, and I’m not a child.”
“What do you mean? I was supposed to be invisible to human eyes. You’re human you weren’t supposed to see me, even if I am your guardian.”
“ My guardian? Aren’t guardians supposed to be there when you’re lost and find you? Tell about who and what you are.” Kate just moaned and started walking away. “That may be why I have been able to see you. I don’t think as myself as a human, I think myself as an animal! I’ve had live like one for to long.”
“Kate, wait! Let me explain! “ She demanded. Kate walked back and sat down in front of the strange little person.
“Before you start explaining anything can you at least tell me your name and tell me what you are?”
She sighed real deep, “Fuhnah is going to kill me. My name is Sasami and I am a faerie. I’ve been your guardian since you were abandoned on the planet Namek. The reason for never doing the things you suggested is because Fuhnah, the leader of the fairies forbids us to communicate with humans, and if we did we are to be punished.” Sasami sighed, “Believe me if we were able to, I would have long ago.” Kate shook her head and stood up. Her stomach growled, she turned to Sasami but she was gone. Kate jumped on a tree branch and left like normal.
When she got back to the cave, she ran inside grabbed a couple of apples and left again. This time she just walked around in the forest. Kate wanted to walk the load off her mind. The river, she thought, would be a great place to relax. Maybe it would have been if she had made it all the way to the river. She heard someone crying and she decided to see who it might be. She poked head through the bushes then screamed. She had poked her head in the face of a Ðragon. Both of the two screamed. Kate fell backwards and the Ðragon spoke, “Who are you? Leave me alone!”
“My name is all I can give you for I know not who I am. My name is Kate.”
“You don’t know who you are? That would mean you don’t know your name.” The Ðragon heard her move around in the leaves and then said, “Please, don’t hurt me!”
“Hurt you? Why would I do that when you could return the favor upon me?” She crawled through the bushes. “I may not know your name or what you are, but I know you’re bigger than me. You’ll kill me before I can hurt you.”
“I don’t want to hurt or kill you. I’m a Ðragon and my name is Chibi. My dad said I got my name because I’m the smallest Ðragon ever.”
“When I found you, you were crying. Why?”
“I was getting picked on. Being little isn’t as fun as it may seem,” Chibi sighed and smoke rolled out her nose. “They don’t care if I’m the daughter of Greg either.” She began to cry again. Kate knelt down beside her and shutter.
Kate stood up and looked at a small, pink, and yellow flower, “Sasami, what are you doing here?” Chibi looked up at her then back to where the flower stood.
“Kate, what happened I heard you scream earlier?” Sasami asked with concern.
“I ran into Chibi and she startled me.”
“Oh. Hello Chibi dear. How have you been?”
“Normal. I’ve been getting picked on all day again,” Chibi replied with a smile.
“Oh my. You need to start sticking up for yourself.”
“Yeah, I know… hey where’s Kate?” They looked around but Kate wasn’t to be found. “Kate! Kate, where are you?”
“Look up you two,” Kate said as she took a big bite of an apple. “Sorry, you two seemed to be having a good time without me so I went to the Apple Grove and got a little snack.”
“The Apple Grove!!! That’s an hour away! How did you get there and back so quickly?” Chibi was astounded. Kate only grinned and jumped down.
“Chibi, you said you were the daughter of Greg. Who is he?”
“You’re changing the subject… Greg is my father and the leader of the Ðragon clan. His father, my grandfather, the oldest of all. They call him StoryTeller.”
“Sounds like nice… Ðragons to meet. I’d tell you about my parents if I knew them myself. I was abandoned when I was three.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t get to know my mother either; she died when I was born. But come on I’ll take you to meet my father and friends. I think they’d like you.”
“Alright, let’s go. Sasami…” Just a she said the tiny faerie’s name she shuttered. She turned around and another faerie stood on a rock. “Umm… hi, who are you?” Kate asked the strange new faerie.
“Videl, what are you doing here?” Sasami demanded.
“Princess Fuhnah sent for you, and can your human see and talk to you?”
“Fuhnah sent for me? And yes she can speak to any faerie and also see them.”
“Hmm… wait until Fuhnah hears about this.” With a small puff of real smoke the strange one was gone. The same was of Sasami.
Chibi and Kate did not know what to think so they left. They arrived at Dragon Meadow in about an hour. Every Ðragon they passed backed away from them. Making a path to the Leader, Kate was a bit nervous. She didn’t fell right because all of the Ðragons backed away from her. “Hi daddy! I’d like you to meet my friend, Kate.”
He looked down at Kate and let out a furious firry roar. “Chibi! What means do you have befriending a… a human. Don’t you know humans kill we Ðragons?”
“But dad she’s not like that.” As Chibi said this Kate knelt down on one knee. “She wouldn’t do…!”
“What’s she doing now?” Greg demanded.
“It is proper to kneel in the presents of leadership. Sir if I were to kill your daughter I would have instead trying to help her”
That caught his attention, “You helped Chibi? How can a human help a Ðragon?”
“She was tearing and I comforted her.”
“ Tearing? Chibi, why were you crying?”
Chibi turned her head and looked at a group of yearlings, “Some of the yearling were picking on me again.” Greg only growled and walked away.
Kate stood up and told Chibi.” I don’t think he likes me all that well.” After she said that, they heard another voice from in front of them.
“Just give him time. He’ll come around,” said a tall silver Ðragon.
“Are you sure grandpa? He doesn’t seem to like her very much.” Chibi asked him sadly.
As Kate was kneeling down she said, “Because I’m human. A lowlife human… what did the humans do to make him this way?”
“They nearly killed his wife Maron. A group of Prince Vegeta’s knights came and started attacking us. They shoot quite a bit of us and Maron was one. Greg went on a rampage and started killing the humans. After Maron’s wound healed, we thought she would be fine but apparently she wasn’t. She become very ill and, I guess, when you were born, Chibi, it just put too much on her spirit. She just gave up and let go.”
Kate nodded her head. “I think Greg may have been the reason why your parents left you. It was ten years ago when your parent’s left and that was when Greg went on his rampage. I remember watching a young couple wanting to leave but not because they were searching for their 3-year-old daughter. They searched everywhere but never found her. Even asking policemen, I think it is what humans call them, and they did not help either. Fearing for the worst, they left and the next day at dawn came back to find her but…”
“Didn’t,” Kate said interrupting. “They couldn’t have looked everywhere. I was in a small meadow where they left me to pick flowers.” A tear rolled down her cheek.
No one said anything as Kate started to walk away. Kate turned back to Storyteller and said thank you. Then she took off running into the forest.
“Kate!” Chibi scream loudly as she jumped into the air. Opening her wings she flew off after the young human girl. “Kate! Kate,” she screamed as she continued to search for Kate. As she reached the middle of the Faerie Forest she yelled for Sasami. Chibi flew down, “Sasami! Oh please Sasami! Come to me!” She wanted to cry but kept looking. Just as she turned Sasami appeared on a flower in front of her. “Chibi, what’s wrong?” She asked flying to her.
“Grandpa, Storyteller, told Kate about her parents and Kate took off into the forest and I can’t find her! I’ve flown the meadow to here and haven’t seen her and I don’t think she could have gotten that far!”
“Chibi you’re going to have to calm yourself down. I will help look for her after I finish with Fuhnah. Maybe you get some of your friends to help look her. If they won’t help, get your father to help.” Sasami disappeared in a puff of smoke again. Chibi shook her head at the thought of her father helping a human. She flew back to the meadow and found her yearling friends.
“Will you please help me find my friend Kate?” She asked crying.
“No way. We do not help humans. Let her find herself.” They all said. All but one…
“Yeah, I’ll help you, Chibi, I knew you’d help me in the same way,” the yearling said with an evil look at the others.
“Thank you so much Airick. I owe you one!” She thanked Airick as they took flight.
They flew to the middle of the forest and split up. Airick double-checked the area they had just flown over from the ground and Chibi checked ahead from the skyline. Airick didn’t find her so flew to where Chibi was, “Sorry Chibi, I didn’t find her.”
“That’s okay I think I may have found her myself. If you wish you can go back to the meadow.” Airick didn’t say anything just smiled and left. Chibi flew down and walked into a small cave. At first all she heard was the water dripping off the crystals. Then she heard the sound of a small child crying. “Kate, don’t you know crying not going to help you.”
“Yes, I know but I can’t help it.” She said jumping down from the rock she was perched upon. They walked out together talking. Walking past a road did not bring anything to mind. Kate stepped on another sharp rock with her bare feet and had to sit down. As she sat down Chibi leaned over her shoulder and Kate tore a piece of her shirt, a knight of Prince Vegeta’s was coming. Just as Chibi took a few steps back the knight passed by. The knight had to take a double-glance, and then he started charging at Chibi. She ran a little as Kate jumped to grab a tree branch. She grabbed the branch and swung herself around. As she came back around to the bottom she knocked the knight right off his horse. She landed on all fours and he landed on his face. “Hey! Now why in the world did you do that for? I’m trying to protect you and I’m getting knocked down!”
“Chibi, stay there,” Kate said as she looked down at the knight. “Protect me? From what yourself!”
“What the! No! From the dragon over there. It was sneaking up behind you.”
“I knew she was back there. I have been talking about…” Tears began to roll down her face. The knight stood up. As Chibi started toward Kate, the knight drew his sword to her neck. “You jerk,” Kate screamed as she punched him. She ran over to Chibi and stood in front of her. “Leave her alone,” she said to the knight as she turned to Chibi, “Come on, Chibi, and let’s leave before he really gets hurt.” They started walking away.
“I am Prince Zackary, son of the new king, King Vegeta. I forbid any human to make contact with dragons, so you’re not going anywhere.”
Kate kept walking, Chibi by her side. As Zachary stood up whistled and they heard the sound of horse hooves. A large horse ran pass Kate and Chibi and ran to the young Prince. Zackary climbed upon the back of the steed. He got on and grabbed Kate, which his horse had knocked down and unconscious, off the ground and galloped out of the forest. “Kate! No!” Chibi screamed as he galloped away. Chibi tried to blow fire to stop him but only got smoke, so she leaped into the air and flew off for the meadow. When she reached the meadow she screamed “Dad, Dad!”
“Chibi, what’s wrong?”
“Daddy, some knight or prince…”Chibi paused. “Some human kidnapped Kate! We’ve got to help her!” Chibi wanted to cry.
“Help a human… never! It’s not going to happen,” Greg roared.
“But dad! She’s my friend! And I owe her my life because she saved me twice from the knight. It’s basically my fault she’s there,” Chibi said as she burst into tears.
“Kate saved you?”
“It seems as though that young girl likes you, Chibi. She’s helped you quite a bit,” the voice of the wise Storyteller.
“Yes dad. Yes grandpa, and I’ve got to return the favor!”
“I’ll help you Chibi,” a small voice said coming from the crowd of Dragons. Turning around, Chibi saw it was Airick that was offering to help “I haven’t met her yet, but she seems pretty important to you.” The two yearlings smiled and continued about the plan.
As the Ðragon discussed whether they should help or not, Kate began to awaken, she had noticed that someone had changed her clothes. She now looked like a princess instead of like she had lived in the forest most of her life. She tried to walk in the high heeled shoes, that were on her bare feet, but couldn’t so she kicked them off. Then all of a sudden the door of the bedroom she was locked in flew open. “Ahh…you’re awake. I hope you like your new look, because that is how you are going to look from now on.”
“Not if I can help it. I’ve beaten you once and I’m not afraid to do it again.” Kate said as she turned her back away from the young Prince. Zackary walked over to Kate and placed his hand on her shoulder. She grabbed his hand and flipped him. Just as he hit the floor the whole castle shook, Kate ran to the window and the castle was under attack by six Dragons. When Zackary got up he ran out the door locking Kate in again. “You jerk, let me out of here!” She ran back to the window when she heard the sounds of Ðragon wings. She didn’t see a Ðragon but she did see that half of the castle was in flames. Then a small Ðragon flew in front of her, “Looking for someone?”
“Chibi! You came for me!” Kate exclaimed as she climbed out of the window onto Chibi’s neck. They flew down to where everyone was fighting. They both started fighting also, Chibi with claws and teeth and Kate with fists and bare feet. “Greg look out!” Kate said as she knocked out the knight. She looked up at him then over to Chibi. She ran toward her but was pummeled by Prince Zackary. Chibi seen that and yelled at Airick. Kate and Zackary stood off. Then Kate ducked as Chibi blew fire at Zackary, but dodged. As Kate looked up Airick swooped down and ate Prince Zackary. “Kate are you okay?”
“Yes. Is he?” She pointed toward Airick. Chibi laughed and nodded her head. Just then they heard the mighty roar of Storyteller. King Vegeta had cut him deeply in the side. Everyone watched as the Dragon leader Greg ate King Vegeta. As he did the fighting stopped. But Storyteller remained hurt.
Kate walked over to him and took the necklace that hung around her neck in hand. She gentle blew on it. The small clear gem began to glow. She placed the tiny gem on his wound and said,
“Ashes to Ashes,
Dusk to Dusk,
Old wise one,
You are not to leave because we have won.”
The tiny stone began to glow brighter. She took the stone away from his wound and it was no longer there. She stepped back as Storyteller stood up.
“Kate, how did you do that,” Greg and Chibi both asked.
Kate shrugged, “I’m not sure, it’s this gem, it takes control of me sometimes.”
“The Stone of Immortality. It is the most powerful stone in the galaxy,” Storyteller foretold.
“If it’s so powerful how did the King and the Prince get it? They are the ones that gave it to me.”
“Not sure. This is the first time ever I’ve seen it.” They all shrugged and flew off back toward the meadow.
“Kate, I want to thank you helping my daughter, my father, and myself. I hope you can forgive me for doubting you.”
“All is forgiven.” Kate said smiling.
“Kate,” Chibi said standing by her father, “you are now part of the Ðragon clan. Like a new baby you know everything about us. Well almost.”
“That’s it! ÐragonBaby! I’m smaller than a baby Ðragon and I’m part the clan!” Kate said laughing.
“Fits you quite well. Welcome to the clan, ÐragonBaby,” a small group of yearlings said. Just then Kate shuttered and there in front of her on a rose were Sasami, Fuhnah, and Videl. Sasami flew up to Kate and said, “Faeries are now allowed to communicate with humans! And that means I’m still guardian, ÐragonBaby.”
From that day forward humans and Ðragons still avoided each other and faeries and humans became allies forever.