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I saw 311's show last night at Cynthia Woods; I like the venue, but it's not a place conducive for a band like 311. It's just too big. Anyway, we got there around the time Papa Roach took the stage... thankfuly they didn't play long. Things were starting to look up though; the actions of a couple of women in front of us had us wonderings if they were straight. All of a sudden one turns her head to the other and sticks her tongue down the other's throat. Just when they started groping each other 311 starts up and a mosh pit breaks out, unforunately we lost track by of them. 311 played only four songs from the new cd, and they sounded decent live. All in all, the show was good. It would have been great if it were at a different venue.
Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched,
were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets red glare,
the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night,
That our flag was still there,

Oh say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave,
O'er the land of the free
and the home of the brave.

It's a hymn of war...
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I saw Green Day in concert last night. I must say it had to have been the best rock show I have ever seen; right on par with Tool. At times it felt almost like I was at a political rally (that's not a complaint). Their lights were amazing and I've never seen a band with such extensive audience participation; during one portion of the show they pulled three people out of the audience to "form a band." The stuff they had them play was simple, but it was still cool to see a band do that. Oh yea, Jimmy Eat World opened... they weren't bad either.

Hey! Up here!

I'm putting new entries at the top.

Take a look at this logo for a Japanese pharamacy. They've since changed the logo, but this mistake it too funny not to share. You can click on the pic to take you to the site I found it on.

It's late, I'm tired and once again I can't sleep. Instead of writing something profound right now just go check out these sites...

I like this not writing anything of substance on this thing... I think I could actually keep this up. Wow, apparently there was a cow slaughtered in Waco that had BSE (mad cow disease). It's okay, we shouldn't be alarmed, that cow is going to be used in pet food. Besides, the news said it wasn't something to be worried about... right after they were showing statistics and all that crap about the "deadly disease." Check out the site below it kicks ass.

AndreaMosaic is free and is cool. You choose a picture from your computer and it will make a mosaic of that image from the rest of the pictures you have.

What the f*ck was he thinking? This is a big image, be patient while it loads.

Hell yeah, I'm bored. Take a look at this stuff...

I've been doing a lot of woodworking lately (mostly with the scroll saw) If you don't.know, it's a saw with a really small blade that makes small and detailed cuts on something about the thichness of plywood. You can get a good idea of what it's capable of with the pics of some stuff I'm working on. Click on the picture for a larger view.

This is saw with a something I'm working on.

I need to add a finish and frame, but it's pretty much done.
Needs to be framed, but basically finished.

I never get any spam in my email (except crap from UH); today that changed. I figured since that was able to find a way into my inbox I should check it out. It may be because it's early in the morning and I'm still awake, but I thought it was the funniest product I've seen in a while. There's a small animation on how it works; anyone dumb enough to buy this thing and use it deserves the pain that goes along with it.

My brother and Jason managed to convince me to go to a Harry Potter midnight release at Borders with them on Friday. Tons of people, nothing exciting except some dumbass almost had is Land Rover towed; those rich a-holes think they can park there cars anywhere cause they have money. The guy still had to pay cause they had to call the tow truck out there. Here are a couple pics from that night.

Not sure who he's supposed to be (sorry, not a fan of the franchise). Woulda had more pictures of people in costumes but the majority of them were kids... and the thought of me snapping pictures of kids is kinda creepy.

Mark and Jason with their new purchase.