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Mack's Politics Page

If you have arrived here, you are either interested in politics or me. I don't care which one. Just as long as your here.

First of all, I'm majoring in Political Science at Texas A&M University. Afterwards I'll be going into the Navy for 4-6 years. After leaving the Navy I would like to do a lot of things, a few of which are teach, go to Law School, move to Washington, work for the State Dept., go to Japan, or get a job for a consumer advocate group(and try to get married and raise a family somewhere in there). I know this is a bunch of stuff, but God willing, I'll be able to it all before I'm 35.

Now that thats all cleared up, let me begin. This page is basically a place where I can write down all of my ideas on politics. I put this on here simply to make people think. I believe that's important. If you read all of this and see something you want to discuss with me, please feel free to e-mail me at I am always open to suggestions or alternative opinions. Also, do not take offense to any of the comments listed here. NONE OF THEM ARE MEAN'T TO BE INSULTS. Just because someone has a different opinion, does not mean that they are your enemy. If everyone could learn to tolerate other ideas and promote understanding, this world would be a better place. In the words of a famous bard "We share the same biology, regardless of ideology."

I sincerely hope you all enjoy my writings.

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