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Welcome to the Future....

If you want to know truth, then click on the following link:
Learn about the truth of our world

Do you like Half-Life 1? Have you ever played the They Hunger mod? Here is some information on getting it to work in current times along with Steam:
Running They Hunger mod using Steam and current Windows Computers

What is the meaning of life?

Haha I am schizophrenic

What Really Happened
Experiment a little. Free your mind!
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

Thank you for visiting Wormhole D173z.98. Please come back and visit again! But next time, change may be on it's way.

I'm thinking of making this a personal site, but I haven't decided yet. Maybe it will just be filled with rants.

Creations of Mine

Introduction to Pointers in the C++ Programming Language

Think and drink are two words which rhyme, but when examining them more the words really don't go together.

I have heard the saying "Nothing is impossible!" many times in the past, and I do believe that these are positive, optimistic words in a time of hardship. But, if you were to think about it a little more, there are unfortunately situations that may be impossible. For example, it wouldn't be possible to expect a person to be resuscitated after being sucked into a commercial jetliner's turbine and chopped up into millions of tiny pieces of bloody flesh.