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Name: Aesia Wrenae Vincent

Clan: Toreador

Generation: Ancillae

Character History

My name is Aesia Wreane Vincent. I am 141 years old. I was born on November 19, 1859 in England. I was embraced in 1887. I have no idea of the date. I am not really concerned. It is a day that changed my life forever. My home life was a nightmare at best. I am the second of four children but the only one who lived. Mother was pregnant with my brother when she and Father were married. The baby, named John for Father, died at six months of crib death. Mother was so wrought with sorrow that Father decided to take her on holiday to Asia. That was where I was conceived and how I came to bear this name. I was about five when my Mother again became pregnant. This time she would have twins but they would not survive. Mother was talking with Father in the hallway near the stairs when he became angry with her and gave her a vicious kick, that sent her tumbling down the stairs. She went into labor and bore twin girls that she named Angel and Mary. They were months premature and died within seventy-two hours of their birth. Mother would never bear another child. The twins birth, along with the fall had rendered her barren. Mother would spend the remainder of her life doting on me and making sure that everything she had went to me.

I was sent to the finest schools and even attended finishing school. Father wanted to make sure that I found a "suitable" husband who could care for the family when he was unable to. That time was rapidly approaching. Father's after dinner "refreshment" soon became an all day thing. He was bad when he was sober but he was unbearable when he was drunk. His abuse became more and more severe. One day Mother had enough and she got up enough spunk to tell him that he should put down the bottle. The beating she received for her "impertinence" left her with internal injuries that eventually killed her. but it was not before she suffered the pains of broken bones and internal bleeding. I sat helplessly and watched my mother die in front of me. The doctors were paid not to say anything and the whole affair was covered up as a clumsy woman who fell down the stairs. After Mother died, Father turned all of his wrath to me. I am not, and never have been as quiet as Mother. I had my father's temper and the fights we had were enormous. When he had hit me one too many times I snapped. With quiet deliberateness I sent him straight to the hell he deserved. I then changed clothes and set fire to the house. I took mothers jewelry, whatever money was in the house, some pictures and just enough clothes to get me through. I walked away without a regret. I was eighteen.

When I was younger I was given dance and voice lessons and I knew that I could both sing and dance well, so I went to join a traveling band of actors and actresses who worked in something like Vaudeville. I turned twenty-five the day we arrived in Liverpool. It was during this down time in my life that I met Nic. He was tall and handsome and well mannered and, well, just everything a girl could want. He came back stage after the show one night and introduced himself to me. He was so sweet and so RICH! He spent almost all he had on me and I took every dime without hesitation or guilt. Nic wanted to marry me. He even bought me a large topaz ring as a promise ring. I continued to see Nic throughout the six month engagement at the Mellema hall. At the end of the troupe's engagement Nic begged me to stay with him. I refused. The thoughts I had of marriage included drinking and abuse. I left Nic without a thought taking my ring with me.
The year I turned twenty-eight, a strange woman joined our merry band of actors. She was unlike anyone I had ever met before. She would only come out at night and had her own personal car that no one was allowed into. She had two handsome traveling companions who saw to her every need. She often watched my performances and made suggestions. I took the suggestions and found that yes, she was right, my performances were better when I did what she suggested. We began to spend more time together and I began to consider her a true friend. We often worked on costumes together and talked of our lives. I had begun to use Opium some time before I met her. One night I took too much and almost died. My sire could not stand to see such talent wasted so she "saved" me....or did she? She traveled with us for five more years. Finally the day came for her to leave. As a parting gift, she gave me one of her companions to watch over me. His name was Jaques. She had found him in France. His looks were undeniably handsome and his quiet manner appealing. I readily took him for we had grown closer over the months. Looking back I must assume that she told him that he was to be mine when she left as he did not seem surprised when his leash was handed to me.

I had several husbands after my embrace. They were all older men with only a little time left. I was a widow within the year usually. I was always the sole beneficiary of their wills. It was with this money that I was able to travel around the world. I went all over Europe and even back to Asia for a while. I learned many, many things on my trips. Things that I have often used. I also met many interesting men and women. I traveled for many years before settling in Paris to model. It was during this particular stay in Paris that I met Lytton. I sensed in her someone who had suffered much of the same that I had. After spending time together she told me of her family in a small town in Texas. During our frequent shopping expeditions and all night parties we continued to talk and become closer. My modeling engagement was almost over so I decided to return home with her for I had never seen the "New World." Just before we left Paris, I met Vlad, a member of her family and a Brujah of considerable renown. He was very large and a little crude but beneath it all was a heart of gold. He can be difficult at times but it is a trial to be endured. I moved from Paris to Beaumont with all my worldly possessions and my darling Jaques in tow. What will happen now? Only time will tell...