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Welcome to Sylvia -n- Stvn's Website. I guess you could say that we're the best asian couple in Dallas and of course very WELL known. I'll give you a little background before you explore our site. We've been together for more than 2 yrs, and we're madly in love and no one can break us apart. So all ya'll haters....juss bak da FUK oFF and of course to those who support us, thanks!!! Sign our G-book and support us at our future wedding...

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From the moment I set eyes on Stvn, it was something I never felt before. Usually when I meet good looking guys, it's just an ordinary thing, but Stvn was different. My heart told me, " It's him..You need him..You want him" and seems to me that Stvn heard my heart, and we both approached each other. Within the next week, we went out, and eversince then..we're inseparable on this earth and deeply in love. We've been through many obstacles, but we made it through..Before I met him, I dated guys and got sick and tired of them. Stvn was special and he still is. Sometimes when I'm with him, it would feel like that moment when we first held hands, all this joy and happiness overcoming my heart..yes yes, I am in LOVE and this is love to me. He does things for me that I can't imagine anyone would take their time to do, His hugs -n- kisses are like treasures of gold that I want to cherish forever and ever. "Hunnie, I want to let you know that I love you so much and YOU are my happiness and my life. Without you, there is no me. Just like you said, we're not complete without each other. I need you, You need me, and I'm so happy that God brought me this wonderful person into my life...You were right..we were brought into this Earth to be in each others arms. You see those empty spaces on my hand...those spaces were meant for your hand. i love you i love you i love you i love you!!"

Sylvia is my girl, my love, my wife. I love her with all my heart and soul, she is my queen. My life is her and only her ,no grl can take me away from my angel. I cherish the grounds she walks on, i hear the sound of her loving voice. Her appearance makes me smile, Her smile makes me cry. I cant live with out her, she is my heart. I never want to leave her, i would fall apart. I live to see the next day, to see my one true love. I want to marry her, i want to be the lucky father. She will be my wife, the mother of my children. She has taken good care me, she made my life so happy. I know why i was put on this earth, to find the one i will devote my love. Sylvia is the one i found, i cant ask for better. There is only one thing i can say,
Hunnie I love u so much Thank You for all u have done. Luv Always, Phi Thai Tran

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