Jage's Home Page
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This is my new page and is under construction
I am still working on all of my other pages. So don't bother clicking on my links to my pages. However feel free to visit my friends sites which you will find near the bottom of this table under "My Favorite Sites".

My Hobbies
Magic the Gathering
Age of Empires
School sports and activities
My Church

My Favorite Sites
Jon's Page
Danny's Page
Has.it redirection site
MSN'S Gaming Zone
Bravenet Site Utilities

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Jage's Home Page


About Me

As you have probably guessed or all ready know, I 
am the one in the pic. My name is Jeremy Jameson
David Summerlin. My friends call me J.J. or Jage.
I am a seventeen year old senior from Venus, Tx.

I enjoy doing many things.  My favorite games are 
Magic the Gathering, Age of Empires and all of the
Final Fantasy games. My favorite types of music
are alterative and rock. However, my two favorite
things to do are to go to the movies and
going to church.

I go to Venus high school.  There are around 100 
seniors in my graduating class. In total there
are around 450 students in the high school. We
are in division 3A sports and usually end up
losing in most sports since we are one of the
smallest 3A schools in the state.

If you are reading this then you probably have read 
all three paragraphs preceding it, and i would just
like to say.... what are you thinking. I personally
would've stopped reading along time ago. So I am
going to shut up now and ask you to please
visit my links and sign my guestbook.