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Faith Cowboy Church
403 Joyce St
Rising Star,Tx
"Come As You Are"

Many have seen the need
for a nondenominational church
in our area and we are very
excited to announce that
Faith Cowboy Church
of Rising Star, Tx
was started on March 19th
and is now meeting every
tuesday evenin' at 7PM
No need to get all
dressed up,,,just
"Come As You Are"
Our pastor is
Jesus Christ
and the message is
delivered by anyone
who feels moved by Our
Lord to speak or sing
We will have guest
speakers and musicians
who will bring their
message in song,poetry
and testimonials of Jesus'
work in their lives
whenever we can but
whether we have a guest
or not we will always
have the fellowship of
God and each other to keep
us strong in our faith
So come on down and join us
for some fun and fellowship!
Praise the Lord!!!


Our "Come As You Are" slogan
refers not only to how you are
dressed, but where you
are in your life and
in your faith.
You don't even have to be a

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