Posted for educational and research purposes.  I claim no copyright to my material. (About this work in progress)
Toxic Fairy Tails & Red Collar Crime
A  ruff draft of The Death of Twinkie Bear is posted below Scroll down

Toxic Stories & Graphics are needed. Please send them to


About Kazzoo & his Sad personal add.


"Know Who is to Blame?, or you will only be fighting shadows,
 and you could grow-up to become a Red Collar Criminal".
The Guardian Troll's of the Rainbow Warrior's

Stories are cited and linked in as reference material. How ever, they are posted / linked as an educational and research service. Copy right laws still applies to reproduction of "their" work. But we claim no copyright for our work -  by Kazzoo-U

The Death of "Twinkie Bear"

Introduction - Background information :

This report is from the Magic Forest with Kazzoo by way of the Prophets Oracle.

Only some of this story has made it into the National news media. Corporate America  (pdf file)  and their  Boho Buddies are major suspects in trying to keep the truth from the children and the general public. 

Oh boy's and girls, do you think The Story Teller's could help ?  Will the true story ever be told, Nationally ?

Red Collar Criminals regard humanity as a race of "useless eaters" (that's Power Elite-Ruling Class jargon).  Are you a "useless eater", boy's and girl's ? Or maybe a Toxic Victim ?

   The residents of the Toxic Forest know that their are those that have been trying for over twenty years to "get the word out". There are also others that have made such films as "TEDDY BEARS PICNIC".  But it is a very hard thing to do.

  It is like throwing Starfish.

  But they have "slanted" the story too. The truth is that we do not have an answer to the real problem. And as long as they keep hiding the truth, one will not be found. Many of todays chemicals have saved a lot of lives. For instance, the chlorine in the water stops parasites from hurting people. The association of this chemical with some illnesses is still of concern. But many many more people would have died if it had not been for it. In many ways this is a very good example because it illustrates the truth. Many of these other chemicals can also make people sick. But at this time there really is not another way to feed everybody, in a cost effective manner. If more people were aware of the problem, we are sure that they too would be helping to find a solution. But because of the "litigation" (law suits), the people that are responsible and in control, are trying to hide the truth.

 Most of the Toxic Forest knows the truth about "Who Is To Blame" for what we call "Red Collar Crime"? This report is only the first of a series because these crime always have the potential to kill. And many times they do.  With "Twinkie Bear", the rangers had to kill her.  And if you do not know "Who is to Blame?", (it wasn't the Rangers), then you just might grow-up and become a Red Collar Criminal.  We wouldn't want that to happen because they do not even know it !  Oh, that is what happens, boys and girls. Many people become just what they hate most.  Fighting shadows can do that to the best of us. When we do not know who is to really blame!

The Death of Toxic Twinkie Bear

We suspect that Rangers Spiked Twinkie Bear's Snacks with Ritalin , SSRI's (Prozac, Paxil) and or some other "behavioral modifying medications", because of her "aggressive behavior from the junk food". They ending up "killing problem bears" (Twinkie Bear was one). In the Baltimore Sun newspaper article about it,  Rangers are also quoted as saying that , "out of control bears" are being peppered with "rubber bullets and bean bags". "Two years ago, the rangers created a Bear Council with biologists and other park personnel", "willing to try just about anything", to "control the bears". (But you have alternatives)

Most of the residents of the Toxic Forest really believe that this Bear Council spiked junk food with various psyche medications, as an experiment.  And that some of the "aggressive bears" (made that way from your junk food, they freely admit) became very hostile and had to be "killed". But we have not been able to find much evidence to support our suspicions of "Spiked Twinkies", yet.  But we know that "they" have been known to use children in other types of experiments.  With out anyone's "consent".  So we thought that we should warn children and adults about this, because so many do not know about it.  Even though it really pains us, we believe that these stories really need to be told.  Every bit as much as some of the other stories and why it is happening !  And the real scary part is

what they really intend to do!

  Kazzoo-U is so distraught that he can hardly talk about this. But he has asked me to tell you that he does not fault people for this. Many adults feed their kids the same junk food. Many times the kids are punished for their behavior and or put on medication. Some times the kids become Toxic Children. But more often than not, the adults refuse to investigate if they might be acting that way because of their diet and maybe some toxic chemicals.  Not they we blame the adults.  After all "Twinkie Bear" was eating their food.  Some of the same stuff that the adults eat.  And as we all know, there are far to many examples of  "Toxic Adults".  And that's why we sent your world The Guardian Troll.  But that is another story.

 Adults would rather close a lemon aide stand because of the kids "behavior". Rather than investigate (and have to educate themselves) about such causative factors as diet and toxic chemicals. They would rather try to control the kids by punishing them or by "medicating the symptoms". Rather than learn about Alternatives to Ritalin and or the truth about the Mental Health Industry

Even if they become aware the shadows can stop them.  They have many ways of doing that.  One of their most common tricks is to keep stories like this one, out of the main news media.  Can we say "Censored", boys and girls.  Because that is what they call it !  Most of the adults would know better than to believe all of the commercials and advertisement.  But the Boho Buddies spend all kinds of money on advertising in them.  So much in fact, that they own all of the really big ones!  And that is how they can control most of the information that you get !  But there are some other Rainbow Warrior's that have been helping.  Some of them work with a very special group of Rainbow Warriors called, Project Censured.  They shine their light on very scary and bad things to try and make them go away.  And many times they can even make bad, scary and evil things change.  At nothing else, they make your world and ours a much safer and nicer place.  Because even when they cannot do that they try to warn everybody that they can.

   Many doctors do not know to much about Biomarkers ( * ) that can be used to evaluate the toxic chemicals effects on your health.  So be very careful, boys and girls, This Could Happen to YOU.  And getting the right help can be very hard.

Toxic victims 1, 2, 3 or Mental Illness ? MIT

   Thankfully, there are entire organizations coming together trying to help  -

The International Coalition for Drug Awareness

Our Stolen Future    Earth Save    Protect Your Children   In Harms Way

Drug Awareness Coalition

Mind Freedom

Youth for Environmental Sanity

ACHES - Mind Control ---> Who is to Blame?

About The Guardian Troll's & Kazzoo-U
Send E-mail to: Kazzoo-U

Kazzoo's Sad Personal Add "Save a Heterosexual".
Kazzoo is a "Freemonster" that had slept under the Aurora Bridge (1985) in the Fremont Neighborhood of Seattle, Washington.  Today (since 1990), "The Guardian Troll" is there.

The troll achieved more notoriety in 1998 when the a (toxic) man shot a bus driver and ran the bus off the Aurora bridge, crashing on top of an apartment building. The building is adjacent to "The Troll", and is reported to get as much attention -- you can still see evidence of the impact. (It made the Troll "Cry a Toxic Tear").

  At that time (1998) I lived off Learyway & was at the scene of the "Toxic Crash" with "The Guardian Troll".  A red bloody tear it shed for the victims.  Some times to this day, it's left eye is known bleed with grief.  One other instance that such a tear was shed was in 1997 when two (Toxic Children) 12-year-old boys set fire to a homeless man sleeping outdoors in downtown Seattle. (I visited the G.T. as soon as I read about it).

The Truth that causes the Guardian Troll To Cry Bloody Tears of Toxic Grief

 Toxic Chemicals & the 50 year Industry Cover-up > Trade Secrets

   Unexpectedly high chemical levels found in Americans  The CDC Report   

  Troubling chemicals detected in people       PESTICIDES, FOODS, & YOU 

This Could Happen to YOU

Over report of "Cumulative Low Dose Toxic Chemicals Effects on Your Health"

Endocrine (Hormone) Disruptors1 Endocrine Disruptors2 

Cumulative Effects NEPA <> EPA Cumulative Effects Assessment Resources -- Overview

Low Dose Effects Cumulative Chemicals  Toxic Mix Information    New Concerns > Phthalates 

Bottled Water&Toxic Phthalates    Common Household Toxins  What's In That ?   

Sick Building Syndrome