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The Brewery Home Spreadsheet Recipes Discussion

Melena Stout

Brewer: Wernicke-Korsakoff Brewing Co. Email:
Beer: Melena Stout Style: Foreign-Style Stout
Type: All grain Size: 6.2 gallons
166 HCU (~50 SRM)
Bitterness: 44 IBU
OG: 1.060 FG: 1.013
Alcohol: 6.1% v/v (4.8% w/w)
Grain: 10 lb. British pale
1 lb. Belgian biscuit
1.5 lb. British crystal 95-115L
8 oz. British Chocolate
8 oz. Belgian Black Patent
10 oz. Belgian Roasted Barley
Mash: 65% efficiency
16qt 170°F h2o + grains => 151°F
(too thick; added 1.5 qt h2o @ 151°F)
mash x 60 min
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.045 8.4 gallons
1 lb. Honey
Hops: 1 oz. Fuggles (5% AA, 90 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (6.6% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (6.6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
Yeast: WLP004- Irish Ale Yeast [No Starter]
This is the yeast from one of the oldest stout producing breweries in the world. It produces a slight hint of diacetyl, balanced by a light fruitiness and slight dry crispness. Great for Irish ales, stouts, porters, browns, reds and a very interesting pale ale. Attenuation: 69-74%. Flocculation: Medium to High. Optimum Fermentation Temperature: 65-68° F.
Log: 12/09/01 Brew day
-- sparge to 6.6gal (8.25") s.g. 1.050
-- fill to 8.4gal (10.5") s.g. 1.038
-- added 1# unfiltered honey at very end; return to boil, d/c fire
-- o.g. 1.058
-- no starter
12/29/01 => keg f.g. 1.012

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