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Paypal is now available to make payments for requests.

However Paypal charges me transaction fees for each

 transaction. So there is going to be a small service fee to

use Paypal. Don’t want to pay the service fee, then sign

up for c2it, its free.


Request Amounts

Service Fee

Up to $30


From $31 to $60


From $61 to $90


From $91 to $120


From $121 and up

Use c2it its free




c2it is now available to make payments for request as well.

Its free so it’s the preferred method. No transactions fee for

me means no service fees for you.



General Instructions


As all always email with your request and state that you want to use either

Paypal or c2it. I’ll approve your request and email you back a total for your

request including the service fee if you want to use Paypal. When making

payments to either Paypal or C2it always include the address the tapes are

to be sent to and list the of tapes being requested. Email me to confirm that

I received payment.