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Click here for Note from Gus (2006)

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YAF COLLABORATORS Originated February 2002

Creations & Designs By:

"W J Watson"

Watson painting up a storm!

Gus painting up a storm!

Lynda J painting up a storm!

Yo Gus, Art Collab's need a coffee break too LOL! Boy, aren't we having fun, I know I am.

Great Music! Welcome aboard Watson, you know you are a part of us!

HAPPY 2002 EASTER Gus & Watson!



The butterfly was an old rustic metal one I had for years, but I just painted over with my acrylic paints to look as realistic as possible....LOL (and to cover up my mistake as I had put Jim's...and needed to cover up the "'s" LOL, as Peter Pan would say, "I'm so clever!" LOL

06 May

Lynda, your signs are SO good. Love the butterfly, it looks like a "Monarch".


It looks very Picasso to me.

This Presentation Courtesy of Lynda J Designs

A fantastic transformation!

Inspired by a girl with 9 coffee cans!

Only my wonderful Art Collaborator could make such a fabulous Water Wheel! Excellent

The Live Oak leaf GIF

Dear Lynda,

I am totally amazed at the terrific artistic talent you display in your home furnishings!

The wooden birdcage looks as though it were made specially to be placed

where you have it. I'm truly astounded, not that I'm an expert on interior

decorated, but anyone who sees it will agree with me that

it is perfect in the feeling it gives of belonging right there. (I should have used the other picture!

It shows it better.)

The way the color of the lamp picks up the color of the Indian statuettes!

Magnificent! And I know you had this pretty much figured out in your minds'

eye when you first saw it.

Lynda, you are the greatest!

YAF in admiration,


That's all. Th-th-th-that's all folks!



You are the greatest Gus, and you put so much work into "Our Collaborator Page, and I just want to thank you for being such a dear Art Friend, you're the BEST!


Lynda J

The Tin Can.....TIN-MAN

May 29, 2002


Trash To Treasure

As of May 22, 2002, the new Mosaic Kokopelli resides at.....KoKo-Villa, Palm Valley, Texas

May 28, 2002

Oooooooooh, Carlotta Frogette, Watson has got to be in LOVE! No doubt about it, you simply are beautiful Ms Frogette.

You did it again Gus, totally took me by surprise....she is just too kewl. You have so many wonderful and cute frog the way,'s the book coming..LOL..Not much time when all we want to do is create is there Gus! What a romantic couple Watson and Carlotta make!!!!!

Hi Lynda,

Fresh drawings this week, 21 May 2002.

April Showers bring Texas May Flowers! May 10, 2002