

Web Rings


Each site listed is a true treasure..I hope you will pay them a visit


How excited I was to post this first award on my site I was humbled and totally surprised to receive it.
Thank you, Two Trees, for honoring me in this way.
I will try to live up to the high standards of your award.
God Bless, Barbara



February, 2001

What a sweetie you are, Carolyn, to send me this gift !
I cherish it almost as much as I do your friendship.
Do visit Carolyn's wonderful site for lots of beautiful pages filled with love, memories and a lot of fun.



How I thrilled and humbled I am that PK honored me by featuring poems from my site on her beautiful butterfly website. Please visit my friend for a real treat. Thank you, PK !



June, 2000

How nice of you to send me this award, Sara !
Need some midi music, folks? Check out Sara's site.
Thanks, Lady



June, 2000

Thanks, Ted, for this nice surprise !
If you like 50's music, you will love this site.......



May, 2000

I love surprises !

I think you will want to visit the site of this very talented lady.
Thank you, Jamie, for this honor.




Awards Page Two

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©Copyright 1999 Barbara Jenkins
All rights reserved unless otherwise noted.