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Medea and Jason

Jason, leader of the Argonauts, was educated by Chiron the centaur. He sailed with many famous Greeks in his quest for the Golden Fleece including Butes, Castor & Pollux, Hercules, and Orpheus.

Medea was a powerful enchantress from Colchis. When Jason and his fleet arrived at Colchis, he met Medea and was bewitched by her beauty. Aphrodite had her son, Eros, strike Medea with one of his arrows so that she would fall in love with Jason.

Aeetes, the King of Colchis and father of Medea, gave Jason an impossible task in order to obstruct his quest for the Golden Fleece. Since Medea loved Jason, she helped him perform it with magic and escaped with him to Greece. Afterwards, Aeetes was so full of rage he pursued Medea. In order to escape, Medea killed her brother and threw his limbs in the path of her father in order to delay his advances.

When Jason and Medea arrived at Iolcos, she restored Aeson, Jason's aging father. But by her evil trickery, they were forced to flee to Corinth, where Jason left her for Glauce. She was so distraught she poisned Glauce and slaughtered the two childern she had with Jason, Mermerus and Pheres. She then fled to Athens.

Medea went on to remarry to the King of Athens, Aegeus, but became jealous of his son Theseus. She left him and returned to Colchis.

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