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"The Target For Evangelism in the New Millennium"

In the last 10 years we've heard a lot about the 10-40 window-- that area of the world inhabited by the majority of people who still have never heard of Jesus Christ. It is a great challenge for evangelism that many churches in quite a variety of countries have accepted; Christians are now fasting and praying, going on mission trips and sending missionaries and resources to help meet that challenge. More than 100 years ago a famous evangelist in the U.S. said that it is not fair for one person in the world to hear the Gospel preached twice in his lifetime if there are still others who haven't yet heard it for the first time.

In order to reach the 10-40 window it's necessary that people go physically to preach, take Bibles, live and plant churches in such countries as Arabia, N. Africa, India, China, and Indonesia. Obviously not every believer can go, but all should pray and give offerings so that others CAN go and take the resources. However, recently I heard another statistic which gives a new challenge to each and every one of us: "speaking on a world-wide basis, now 30% total world population is under the age of 15 and 97% of the world's children live OUTSIDE the U.S.A!"

We well know that in some countries there are many churches with good programs for children that reach out into the surrounding communities. However on the other hand, we know that in the majority of 2nd and 3rd world countries, most churches focus on constructing a building, getting Bibles and preaching to adults- and maybe even just surviving persecution! In addition, in many of these countries, because of malnutrition, wars, AIDS, and poverty, a great many children die before reaching adulthood. SO THERE IS NO TIME TO WASTE! We already have another challenge that reaches to EVERY part of the world--THE "4-14 WINDOW" (i.e. all children from the ages of 4 to 14 who need to hear about Jesus Christ).

This window is only open for a short time - if we delay even just a few years, it could close, sending millions of children to Hell forever! Every believer has to do his part by reaching children in his own family, neighborhood, in other areas outside the church. How?? By praying, by inviting them to crusades and church services, by getting to know them and showing them God's love, by telling them about Jesus, and the Bible. Every church has to train teachers and children's workers, prepare materials and outreaches, make and execute plans of action!

Here are pictures of churches that did just this.

Click on the smiley for more pictures and lots of exciting ideas to help YOU!!



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