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Mother's Never Die...
They Just Keep House Up In The Sky

When we are children, we are happy and gay
And our MOTHER is young and she laughs as we play,

Then as we grow up, she teaches us truth
And lays life's foundation in the days of our youth
And then it is time for us to leave home

But her teachings go with us and all that we did
When we were so often just a "bad, little kid"
We will often remember and then realize
That Mothers Are Special and wonderfully wise...

And as she grows older, we look back with love
Knowing that Mothers are "gifts" from above
And when she "goes home" to receive her reward
She will dwell in God's Kingdom and "Keep house for the Lord

She'll "light up" the stars that shine through the night
And keep all the moonbeams "sparkling and bright."
Then with the dawn she'll put the darkness away
As she "scours" the sun to new brilliance each day...

So dry tears of sorrow, for Mothers don't die...
They just move in with God and "keep house in the sky."
And there in God's kingdom, Mother's watch from above
To welcome their children with their UNDYING LOVE!

This site was created and designed with love by HTxRose and is dedicated to
THE BROWNING FAMILY in loving memory of Olive Browning with special thanks to
my wonderful Greg for sharing this very beautiful poem with me...thanks Greg :)

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Thank You Ruth Ann for the
"Best Of The Web Award!"
I will always cherish it :)
With Love ,

Thank you so much BabyRoseBuds
and may God Bless you always :)
With Love ,



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