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I'M GETTING MARRIED!!!!! On July 18, 2009! To meet me and my bride, Keisha, join us at the 11th Annual Conference of the American Tarantula Society.
18 June 2009
Happy Birthday Paul McCartney!
Now on GoogleEarth
Scorpion Type Localities! (A major work in slow progress.)
Go just a little further to get into the Scorpion Table of Contents... This is just my little bulletin board of current events and cool things I've found surfing the 'Net.
HEY, check out this hot band from South Africa:
Got Scorpions in California?
Got, or need, Campsite? Then check out
Visit JonathAn Leeming's site about Scorpions of Southern Africa to see some really cool scorpions! Check this out:
Kari J McWest is:
Associate Editor of the American Tarantula Society.
Member/Contributing Editor of
Research Volunteer of REVSYS, Scorpion Systematic Research Group of the American Museum of Natural History
Zen Arcade
Featuring, on bass guitar, Scorpion Buddy
Alistair Mathie
Then check out the recently revived California Biota scorpion pages by Warren Savary!
Notes and information on hiking and camping in the American West.
When Size Doesn't Matter!
Harmless Hadrurus arizonensis "pallidus" on left, and Centruroides sculpturatus, known to have caused death in Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico, on right.
for some Cool Scorpion-hunting BlackLight ideas!
Especially the Very Handy 4/8 LED Headlamp!
About Me: Kari J McWest
Scorpion Control and Shipping Live Scorpions Includes information on how to rid your home of scorpions and keep them out! NEW: Scorpions that commonly invade homes! Plus, how to ship those you find to researchers and collectors.
The scorpion species lists in these pages are grouped by family. Please be patient and visit each page to find your scorpion. I will be working on a "Commonly Encountered Scorpions" page in the near future. Also, go to the States Lists page first to get an idea of what your species might be. Thanks!
Annotated Checklist to U.S. Non-Vaejovidae This is the checklist for the families Buthidae, Diplocentridae, Iuridae, and Superstitioniidae.
Annotated Checklist to U.S. Vaejovidae, Part I: Paruroctonus and Smeringurus
Annotated Checklist to U.S. Vaejovidae, Part II: Vaejovidae (excluding Vaejovis)
Checklist to U.S. Vaejovidae, Part III: American scorpions of the genus Vaejovis.
Checklists by State Look up your state or the one you'll be visiting, then look up the species names in the annotated checklists for more detailed distributions.
Collecting Scorpions Visit this area for Regulations, Ethics, Tips, and Equipment Needed for collecting and preserving scorpions for research and/or keeping. Still in progress.
References to the checklists! A nearly complete listing of the literature (relative to the Checklists) for species descriptions, distributions, and other interesting papers on scorpions. (In Progress)
Cacti of Texas list with county distributions and a photo or two (working on it!).
Visit for excellent cactus website with great photos!
Make your own Life List of American scorpions!
For an excellent source of links to scorpion-related sites, visit David's Scorpion Links.
Brief Overview of The US Scorpions
The scorpions of the USA are represented by five families (I primarily follow the Catalog of the Scorpions of the World for family designations):
Superstitioniidae, and
With a combined total of over 90 described species in 10 genera in the United States, the scorpions of the USA are quite diverse. (Currently, the number of described species combined with known undescribed species will bring the total upwards to near 120!)
Scorpions of the USA occur in elevations from about 200 feet below sea level in Death Valley to nearly 13,000 feet in the Sierra Nevada; several species in Arizona are found near 9,000 feet elevation. One species is found in southwestern Canada.
In the pages that follow the species are listed separately, as in the family Vaejovidae or the remaining families. The family Vaejovidae is broken down into three sections; the "Paruroctonoid" genera, the "Uroctonoid" genera and the genus Serradigitus, and the polytypic genus Vaejovis.
So, browse through my pages and make your own checklist of what might be in your neighborhood, or what you might encounter on your next trip to scorpion country!
Species I have collected or seen in nature are noted with an asterisk (*) in the Checklists! Compare your lists!
All photos in links to other scorpion-related sites are linked courtesy of Dr. Scott Stockwell (permission provided in his site for linking only: NOTE: Dr. Stockwell's Site is slowly being dismantled as he is no longer on the server; Sorry for any Dead-End Links: His site is archived at, Jan Ove Rein, and Warren E. Savary, among others. Photos provided at these sites were taken by the above, with additional photos by David Gaban, Brent Hendrixson, Dr. Rolando Teruel (Cuba), and others of whom I don't have the names at this time. Please respect the rights of these fine photographers and providers.
If I find some of their photos with copyright or acknowledgments either not included or cropped from the photo, I WILL NOT HESITATE TO INFORM THE RIGHTFUL OWNER!!! It is theft, as far as I am concerned.
Much of the information for Texas scorpions are from Dr. Stockwell's thesis on the Scorpions of Texas and my own collecting records. The remainder were previously compiled by Joe Bigelow, and a separately compiled list (by yours truly) from published sources.
Eventually, you will also find links to my favorite sites in music, xericulture, and other nifty things.
Thanks for visiting!
About Kari J McWest
Email Me at, just don't forget to remove "NOSPAM".
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Here are some others sites that interest me. Take a trip on the web, courtesy of me.
Site Continuously Updated.
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