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This page is strictly dedicated to UNDYING LOVE FORS

With undying love for ...

Fannie Sablosky BBG #396, Blue, Black, Raggedy Anne, NTO, Dallas Council, Fannies, hot ben, R.R. the slut, Shaina sweetheart,weinstein showers,boobies, finally being a B cup, Brian ex-beau, Ross xx-beau, Scott xxx-beau, Eric xxxx-beau, annoying parents, not getting enough sleep, chemistry blues, disney, jews for jesus, non-automatic windows or doors, hee hee hee hating certain people, fruit roll ups, obsessions, waiting for summer, UT, boyfriends, girlfriends,going to Chilis with Schantal or Sivan, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, The delicious Ben................Affleck!! (sorry Ben Beau, you're hott too!) AAANNNDD last but DEFFINETLY not least, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF FANNIE SABLOSKY BBG #396!!
