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Hey you two....sorry I jus decided to put both of you on one page well cause...I dunno jus cause....~S~...So :P

Preoccy...~S~...your a goofball you are...and outta of all my nicknames for trendy....you probably were the first one to change trendy into somfin else such as your word...I quote.."trendster"...how you came up with that I do not know..but you can call me it..I dunno care...your a sweetie though....and a great friend...~huge huggers~..>:~P

Grave....hey there girly....don't talk much to ya...but that doesn't matter...we still friends...I hope...~S~...I 'member that one time when i thought you hated me and stuff...don't know why I thought that though...anywayz....and you too have a nickname for me...trendeka or somfin of that nature...where do you people come ups with these names...~shakes head~....anywayz..I'm glad I got to know ya...~huge huggers~...you're a great friend.....~S~...

