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Movsha BER (age 38 as of May 1858 Lygumai census; son of Orel) married Lipke (daugh. of Chaim) (Note: in same household is Iosel, age 22, son of Orel. Perhaps Iosel was brother of Movsha.)

1. Ginde (age 15 as of 1858 census)

2. Rochke (age 7 as of 1858 census)

Perhaps the above Movsha family is the same as the following [the material below, other than the Lygumai records info was mainly provided by Ray Davis of Ironwedge Drive, Boca Raton, Fla., a grandson of Benjamin Abraham BAER'S son Simon BAER, below]:

Moses BAER married Leah (ca.1818-before 1905)

*3. Samuel (ca.1837, Ligum-before 1888, Ligum) married - Fannie (b.Ligum-before 1890, Ligum)

- Getzel (ca.1859, Ligum - Mar.13, 1921, Baltimore; "Getsel, son of Shlioma" on 1904 Lygumai tax list) married Ida BALSER (ca.1861, Ligum - Nov.7, 1923, Williamsport, Penn.; see Morris Balser Family Tree)

- unknown (-ca.1890, Loch Haven, Penn.)

- Yankel (based solely on 1904 Lygumai tax list: Yankel, son of Shloma)

4. Benjamin Abraham (May 1846, Ligum - Mar.27, 1933, Baltimore) (Lygumai census, 1866, says Abram son of Movsha!; and there is a "Bine, son of Movsha" on 1892 Lygumai tax list) married Ella Zlota ("Elke Zlate" in 1866 Lygumai census; daugh. of Iudel; b. Apr.1850 but census says 18 in 1866; d.Jan.8, 1903, Baltimore)

- Harry Joseph (July 1871, Ligum - 1920, San Diego, Ca.) married (Oct.25, 1900, Baltimore) Sarah R. RASHINSKY (1879, Ligum - Aug.29, 1974, Baltimore)

- Sarah (May 1876, Ligum - July 24, 1927, Baltimore) married (Sep27, 1902, Baltimore) Harry ELLIS (1878, Russia - bet.1964 and 1976, Baltimore)

- Simon (Sep.1877, Ligum - Jan.20, 1941, Baltimore) married (June 18, 1904, Baltimore) Jennie Ada MAGED (May 20, 1888, Baltimore - Nov. 5, 1968, Baltimore)
[one of Simon and Jennie's grandsons is Ray Davis, the provider of much of this information]

- Rosa (Aug.1882, Ligum - July 17, 1970, Baltimore) first married (Jan.22, 1905, Baltimore) Samuel CAPLAN (1876, Russia - ca.1917, Baltimore); second married (Sep.30, 1937, Baltimore) Albert A. BURTNICK (Oct.14, 1887-May 22, 1969, Baltimore)

- Samuel S. (Apr.14, 1884, Ligum - Feb.24, 1954, Atlantic City, NJ)

- Child #6 (b. Ligum; d. before 1900)

- Child #7 (b. Ligum; d. before 1900)

5. David Jacob Israel (ca.1849, Ligum - before May 16, 1919, Cleveland, Oh.; "David Yankel" on 1892, 1896, and 1904 Lygumai tax lists) married Sara Leah SCHWARTZ (ca.1854, Ligum - 1927, Cleveland)

- Molly (June 15, 1874, Ligum - Dec.6, 1969, Far Rockaway, NY) married Jacob BUTTERMAN (Mar.1865, Ligum - ca.1893, U.S.)

- Louis Benjamin (Sep.29, 1882, Ligum - Sep.26, 1980, Cleveland, Oh.) married (Dec.12, 1907), Cleveland) Rose Fannie DWORKEN (Oct.6, 1886, Jurburg, Lith. - Sept.1968, Cleveland)

- Fannie (ca. Mar.1883, Ligum - before 1957, Canton, Oh.) first married (before 1902, U.S. or Russia) DEMING; second married (before 1914) STEIN; third married (after 1916) Max Sobul

- Harry BERMAN (BAER) (Jan.25, 1890, Ligum - ca. Mar.16, 1970, Los Angeles, Ca.) married (Jan.1, 1911, Cleveland) Jennie GROSSMAN (ca.1895, Cleveland - ca.June 27, 1963, Los Angeles)

- Goldie (Apr.10, 1891, Ligum - May 2, 1969, Cleveland) married (Dec.10, 1917, Cleveland) Hyman SILVER (1893-1925, Cleveland)

- Herbert (Sept.27, 1896, Ligum - Sept.26, 1991, Miami, Fla.) married (Nov.7, 1920, Cleveland) Sadie NOLISH (Sept.11, 1899, Phila., Penn. - Feb.21, 1973, Miami)

- Morris (Aug.15, 1900, Ligum - Oct.13, 1983, Cleveland)

- Child #8

- Child #9

- Child #10

- Child #11

Note that *3 is PRESUMED to be sibling to the others. In addition to the fact that all the others have "Movsha" as the father's name, Ray Davis observes that (according to a great granddaughter of Getzel BAER, above), Getzel's son (Morris BAER) used to talk about his (or his father's?) "Uncle Benjamin BAER." For Benjamin BAER, above, to be Getzel's uncle, Benjamin would have to be a brother of Getzel's father, Samuel BAER, above. Further, it appears that Maurice Balser (nephew of Ida BALSER and Getzel BAER) always referred to Benjamin Baer as "Uncle," which he may have done perhaps because Maurice's Uncle Getzel's uncle was Benjamin BAER.

Note also that there may be another sibling (#6?), since the 1904 Lygumai tax list includes "Matis, son (or daugh.?, though doubtful) of Movsha".

Note finally that Ray Davis's Uncle Aaron BAER told him that his (Aaron's) father (Simon, son of Benjamin Abraham BAER, above) used to tell him that the LEGUMs, who owned Park Circle Chevrolet in Baltimore, were their cousins but his father didn't elaborate on exactly what the connection was.