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Early America

Created by

Cindy Proctor

Introduction  |  Task  | Resources  | Process  |  Evaluation


This page is set up with several webquests about early America with connected links.  This is designed to be completed in groups. Each group will complete each quest as it fits into the learning unit. 

The Task 

Each task is a webquest designed by other people.  You will spend no more than two weeks on each task.  Each task has an evaluation form that will be completed by each member of the group. 

The Mayflower
Colonial Life
Colonial Life Quiz
The Oregon Trail


Plimoth on the Web
Mayflower Web Pages
Early America
Colonial Kids - this is a must see no matter what project you have
Jamestown Gazette
Social Studies Links
An American Thanksgiving

Classroom resources :
The First Thanksgiving
Sarah Morton's Day
If you lived series

The Process

You will work in groups of 4 students to complete your task.  Each student will be assigned a job in each task.   As you research web sites, you will take notes on the information that you will need. 
1.  Jamestown Webquest - 
               a.  panel discussion
               b.  develop advertising poster
               c. create a graph
               d.  write a paragraph
               e.  make a timeline of important events
2.  Mayflower Webquest - 
               a.  picture timeline - choose three articles for journal topics during the week
               b.  explore the Mayflower - learn about different jobs and different sections 
                    of  the boat.  Decide what job you would do and why.  Complete  a diagram
                    of the Mayflower provided by your teacher.
               c.  Life as a Plimoth Pilgrim - develop an oral report based on the
                    information given - your teacher will assign a specific area to you.  You are
                    include in your report:  the character's feelings about being there, feelings
                    about the changes occuring, activites you do, your role in the village
                    and any other information relevant to your report.
               d.  Life as a Wampanoag - you will work in a group of two.  Each group will
                    be assigned one section of information to report about.  You and your 
                     partner will work together to develop a paragraph about the information
                    and an illustration that matches your paragraph.
               e.  Daily Life in 1621 - write a compare/contrast based on the information.
3.  Colonial Life - 
               a.  Create a Venn diagram comparing your life and the life of an early colonist.
               b.  Write a fantasy narrative depicting the life of a colonist.
               c.  Take a colonist quiz to see how much you have learned.


Jamestown Quest
Evaluation is included
Mayflower Quest
Each task completed will be worth 20 points.  Points will be lost due to incomplete articles, messy work, failure to give oral report, or work not turned in on time. 
Click here for rubrics.
a.  3 journal articles-half page each
b.  journal article and diagram of Mayflower
c.  Pilgrim oral report
d.  Wampanoag paragraph
e.  Pilgrim life compare/contrast
Colonial Life Webquest
a.  Venn diagram - include at least 5 in each catagory - 50 points
b.  Fantasy narrative (rubric)-50 points
c.  Colonial quiz - have teacher record grade when finished-averaged into other 2 projects for final grade.
The Oregon Trail Webquest
Each student will receive a group grade.  Points will be lost on individual grades for off task behavior, not working well with teammates, not selecting appropriate material, not using a pioneer point of view and individual material presentation.
Evaluation link
a.  using appropriate data - 20 pts.
b.  material presentation - 20 pts.
c.  organization - 20 pts.
d.  working as a team - 20 pts.
e.  pioneer point of view-20 pts.


By completing this webquest, you will experience what life was like for early Americans.  Not only will you gain knowledge of American history, but you will learn to use technology effectively, develope presentation skills, learn to work with others in the school setting, and learn to use time wisely.  
Credits & References                                                                                                                                
