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~ Stephanie and Jason ~

Jason and I met on April 29, 2000. We were married 4 months later on September 1 by Judge Truelove . When I'm with him, I know that I've found my soul mate and married my best friend. Jason and I have so much fun together. We are total, complete opposites but are so in love that we look past our differences. We live in a precious 1 bedroom apartment in Plano, TX with our "baby": a precious little maltese named Chloe. I am working as a Software Specialist at The Software Group and Jason is a Project Manager at Wisenbaker Home Builder Services.

Jason and I don't have any children yet, but are lucky enough to have 2 wonderful neices, Peyton and Sydney! You'll see many pictures of them on this site because we just adore them!

NEWS UPDATE!!!! May 4, 2003- Jason and I have been in the house for over a week now! We moved in April 24 and we just love it!!!

The two of us
Our pride and joy
Our newest addition
Our friends
Our family
Our past pets
Christmas 2002


The Finished Product

Wedding Quotes
Favorite Quotes
Friendship Quotes

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