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Musings While Observing

Come into my pages and you may enjoy
Come into my house and you find safety
Come into my life and you may find a friend
Come into my heart and I keep you forever

My Thoughts My Words My Musings Figurines Contemplations
Ancient Evil Doorways Crystals My Friend My Treasure
A Chapter My Sister A Kiss A Dance Stillness
My Dreams Honesty My Truth My Son
Be My... My Faith in You Lost
A Silent Whisper Leave Your Hat On A Sigh A Journey A Cowboy Rides
Time to Sleep
A few pages of mine and several of my friends
some of mine will be deleted and more added later
A couple of new links and some gone...
Thank You all for visiting here...
Please have a little patience as I refix this page
Tot Siens and Happy Trails to you

My Favorites

Erotic with class


Amy Brown Art

Fairy Art by Amy Brown

Princess HeartTeller Pae's Place I Believe
Silhouette's Place Lacies Links Foxy Productions

I am in the process of moving my pages and
updating them. Also making links to some very great
pages and wondering when I will have time
for all of this. So please be patient As I slowly move them.

Original Index Page
Wonderful Art

Starlight Backgrounds

Background by Starlight